3 Things (Almost) No One Knows About CSS

I got 92% on my first try :slight_smile: And I have a screenshot to prove it (though that obviously doesn’t prove it’s my first try!). I happen to love writing elegant CSS, and both Chris Coyier and Heydon Pickering are my heroes!

I’ve been designing and developing website for about 2 years now, since I graduated (Marketing), and I recently hired my first employee; a junior web developer. The interviews consisted of about 12 questions, and a mini CSS test. In that test, I had a sketched scenario of 3 boxes horizontally overlapping each other between 2 paragraphs, and asked the interviewees how they’d achieve it. Needless to say, almost none of them got the even close. It required a combination of margin, padding (optional really), negative margin, and z-index. I’d be happy to scan the diagram in and upload it if anyone’s interested.

Dane, from Cape Town, South Africa