3 Things (Almost) No One Knows About CSS

Kevin Yank himself is a perfectly fallible human being, and I do share your trust issues. Writing good multiple choice questions is really hard, because for every correct answer you have to come up with four incorrect answers (the technical term is ‘distractors’) that aren’t obviously wrong but are actually wrong.

We’re actually in the process of adding support for fill-in-the-blank questions to Sit the Test, in part because it makes writing good test questions a lot easier!

Hmm. I’d argue that the semicolon is clearly optional whereas all the other options are not. Still, I do agree it could be clearer. I’ve adjusted the wording to “Which part of this code can be removed without breaking it or changing its effect?”

Indeed, he did not! I’ve deleted this question from the test and will devise a suitable replacement. Thanks for the catch (and the awesome piece of CSS trivia!).