301 a URL with parameter

Hi guys,

Just remade a site and put 301’s on the old URLs to the new ones…

And a few of the old ones have been indexed with a sessionID parameter, like “mysite.com/apage.php?SessionID=3D2e5678c4ee

Now, is it enough for me to “just” redirect the url without the parameter from google point of view?

Thanks! :slight_smile:


The SessionID probably points to a session that is long gone but it makes no bearing as to your redirect or from the google point of view. The SessionID links to a (Data) session that is stored in a location on your webserver. Your pages may have been designed to make use of Session Data. Give this a try: type


and you will see that you will be routed to the site, but your SessionID is meaningless to the IBM webserver.