5 Proven Tips to Improve your App Marketplace Ranking

Originally published at: http://www.sitepoint.com/5-proven-tips-improve-app-marketplace-ranking/

For a long time, search engine optimization has been crucial to the success of most businesses. Today ranking at the top of Google search results isn’t enough for most businesses. The rise of smartphones has caused most consumers to turn to mobile applications instead of websites to complete tasks when on the go. No longer limited to phone calls or playing games, mobile devices are now used to check movie reviews, shop online, connect with friends and much more.

Most users have a web browser installed on their phone, but in most cases, installing an app is more efficient than using a web browser.

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Great read! I’ve been looking into ASO quite a lot lately, and came to the same conclusions and best practices!
Looking forward to reading some more, and sharing tips.

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