5 Things to Consider before Going Freelance

Originally published at: http://www.sitepoint.com/5-things-consider-going-freelance/

Freelancing has gained tremendous popularity over the past decade or two. With so many pros going freelance these days, there are many more who are considering making the jump.

Before you take that leap, you need to give it some thought. Freelancing might work for many, but this doesn’t mean it will work for everybody.

When weighing up your options, it’s best to have as much information as possible. There are a few freelancing myths out there and it can be difficult to know what to believe. Make sure that you’re aware of the common freelancing myths before making your decision. Here is what you should take into account when considering kicking off your freelance career.

1. Does Hard Work Scare You?

One of the freelancing myths is that as a freelancer you work when you want to. While it’s possible to have one workday week/month and not starve to death, this is rare. It’s true you do make your own schedule but in order to pay your bills and/or finish the projects you’ve started, generally you need to work hard, including in the evening and on weekends.

Basically, as a freelancer you end up working more than when you work for a company. So if hard work scares you, freelancing is not your best option.

Well, when I say “hard work” I need to clarify that if you have worked for a company where most of the team doesn’t work at all but you and a few other workaholics do all the work, hard work as a freelancer will be a piece of cake in comparison.

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Hi ada,
I would add a question to your article : “Can you be focused and organised by yourself?”
many people even when using great tools to help them be organised just dont have this skill.



Thanks Ada Ivanoff. Your article will help people like us who would like to be a freelancer.

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