6-COLUMN STRICT Tableless: Help correcting my CSS, and then give me some design?

HI, semicolon.

W3Schools chose a name that overtly suggests that they are somehow connected to the W3 organization (great marketing idea, huh?); however that impression is very misleading. They are not associated with the web standards organization at all. They are just a business selling web design training.

The link that you posted is to a w3.org page… the authorities who write the standards :slight_smile: .

Egads. :blush:

Now that is news to me. Please have a moderator purge the posts referencing w3schools. I’m really sorry, I didn’t know. :blush:

Hey, semicolon. You didn’t mention whether or not you would be interested in using JS to provide alternate row coloring in IE8. If, yes, the wizards in the JS forum have provided me with a very flexible script which could be used in a variety of situations to color rows in IE8. (A tip of the hat goes to @ralph_m for writing the final touch.)