6 Must-Use Meteor Packages for (Almost) Every Project

No need to beat any dead horses. I was just proffering my opinion (as a consumer.)

I understand that you have to make a decision to dump some consumers in the pursuit of design efficiency. My opinion is that you’re not too smart by doing so, based on your slavish adoration of JS. I speculate that most business web-sites exist either to sell a product or to provide information about a product. I feel that I am a pretty good target audience, because I buy everything on the internet… the only exceptions are fuel type products and groceries. And if somebody had a website where I could click for a refill, I’d have them out here filling our vehicles with fuels.

I may be kinda’ senile, but I’m a shopper, and so is my husband. To my dismay, he recently discovered he could buy firearms on the internet and have them delivered. We spend a fair chunk of change online; why would you dismiss us so casually? In my opinion, your focus, Mawburn, is to dictate to your potential consumer. Wouldn’t it make more sense to contemplate what your target audience might prefer???