6 Strategies for Freelancers to Take on Creative Agencies

Great article Richa, I think it’s all too common for freelancers to become discouraged when faced with quotes from agencies as opposition, especially in the early stages when they might not be so confident in their own ability to run a business. I have found that as you said, agencies tend to have less flexibility and that can reduce trust, which a freelancer should work on building from the very first client. But it’s more than doable and before you know it, you too can be an agency!

I like the hybrid freelancer/agency thing too, it’s something that I’ve done in the past, mostly to good effect. Collaborative working is usually great as ideas always come better when you’ve someone to bounce them off.

I would reiterate what you said about passion - it’s amazing how well you can sell yourself when you’re really genuine about your love for your craft :smile:

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