7 Mobile UX Mistakes You’re Probably Making Right Now

An excerpt from http://www.sitepoint.com/7-mobile-ux-mistakes/, by Lynn Wang

Making changes on mobile UX can be a tricky process, especially if you come from a web background. In mobile, developers have more constraints, including screen real estate, attention times, and UI control limitations. Improving the mobile experience is always a learning process full of trial and error, so this list will get you on the right track by helping you steer clear of common pitfalls.

##Mistake #1. Assuming your users need to sign in

Everyone knows there are a ton of benefits to having users sign in, yet it’s also a significant pain point for your users. Who doesn’t get impatient having to type in the same personal data hundreds and hundreds of time for each app or service?

Most apps’ solutions are to allow users to temporarily skip registration so that they can try out the app and get a sense of value.

While this method works well enough for Apple to adopt it into their User Experience Guidelines, cutting the funnel even further can have huge benefits. If registration is a pain point, why not see what happens when you remove that pain entirely?

Continue reading this article on SitePoint.

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I totally agree on most of what you point out.

This for instance would be mandatory when it comes to online services. To register is actually to pay with your details. Not to mention the growing use of social logins where you pay much more than average user is aware of. (And too often even before you even had a chance to assess the offerings.)

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