A Global Day of Code Retreat (8-Dec-2012)

Code Retreat is a one-day event for Software Developers to “hone their craft”.
Those of us who work in a “Software Factory” environment - banging out code all day long while keeping reigns on schedule and delivery - need time to practice code as an art.

Through challenge sessions you will Pair Program with others and face challenges and restraints that force you to improve your skills. Hopefully, you will spend some time working with a language you are NOT most comfortable using. Again, a way to stretch and grow as a developer.

This year the event will be a Global Day of Code Retreat.
I am facilitating one in Orlando. If you live or expect to be in Central Florida, [URL=“http://coderetreat-orlando.eventbrite.com”]come join us at Envy Labs in Orlando.

Regardless of where in the world you live, if you are passionate about writing software code try to attend a Code Retreat in your area/country.

There is none where I live which I find strange but… I’m afraid that I can’t do anything about it… there’s not enough time left to organize one.

I’d be interested to know about your past experiences with this type of events… were there people with different levels of programming? are they web related programmers or did you have the chance to expand your horizons with programmers that were not related to the web?

You pose a very interesting question, @molona.
It is difficult to avoid the web as a resource so, I would venture to say there is no such thing as a developer who is NOT (in some form) a web developer.
My experience with events like this in the past (and only as a participant - this is my first time facilitating and I have NEVER attended a Code Retreat*) is primarily Web Developers and many Mobile Developers. The platforms/technologies I have seen most often are Ruby on Rails, iOS, PHP, jQuery; pretty much everything Sitepoint is currently selling a book about!

Off Topic:

*It was serendipity for me.
I was very interested in attending a Code Retreat when I discovered it (mentioned on a Podcast). It was a disappointment to discover that, among the GLOBAL day of Code Retreat, a big city like Orlando was not represented. As a matter of fact, at the time there was only ONE in all of Florida (in Tampa). So, having attended numerous tech events in the past I felt it time to “give back” and volunteered to make it happen in Orlando.
When I learned a bit more about the structure of the day and responsibilities of the facilitator it appeared to be very similar to proctoring a training class; which is what I do as part of my full time job - teaching Software Developers!
I am now looking forward to the day and, although a bit disappointed I cannot be a participant, excited for the chance to help make the Global Day of Code Retreat a success.