A question regarding Sitepoint policy

Hi all,

Mod just removed a post due to the anti recruitment/project policy. Are you unable to look for people to assist with existing projects? I offer no money… just an interested person to enjoy some development with myself.

Seems a bit silly to me. Please help me understand.

You can do that in the Marketplace and/or the [url=http://www.sitepoint.com/jobboard/]Job Board.

what job board is this can some one told me?

I posted a link to it, simply click the link.

This is not a job and I am not selling anything… please confirm.

You might be able to utilize the marketplace to find people who can work with you. There is the Find People section on the bottom right of the page, that would be where I would start.

The thing is, that’s not what the forums are for, and not why people come here; and if such posts were allowed, the forums would fill up with them. You have to see it from that point of view.

Once you’ve been a member for 90 days, you can post a signature that features your project. Then, if you become a regular member, plenty of people will see your signature. You give to the community and receive from the community. :slight_smile:

I kind of understand but I am engaging with the forum, not using it as a ad platform. I want feedback and opinions and all I really want to find is like minded people who might be interested contributing to a new site. What would be the best way to do this? I have big plans and cannot wait until the weekend let alone 90 days :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there another forum that could cater for my requirements? Would it not be beneficial to have a board for this type of thing then? Non-profit collaborative work? Seems a waste to lose out on exciting project proposals…


For yours and others benefit your original post is a General Advertising Violation defined as (see red text):

This is when a user makes a post that belongs in the marketplace. In general, any form of solicitation falls into this category. Examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Any requests that stipulate money or goods exchanges hands
  • Requesting services of others that do not fall into a typical help requests (seeking partners, developers for a project)
  • Advertising services and/or products
  • Self promotion

There is a difference between a community project that is formed within this community as a collective effort, as it supports our members who join such an endeavour. However your project, while it may interest other developers does not directly benefit the member here in this way. As previously mentioned you can either move this to the Marketplace or you can wait 90 days until you can put a link to your project in your signature and allow ‘natural’ unadvertised traffic you may get.


Hi beasthe
As Steve pointed out, we try to keep the forums focused on learning and helping rather than project collaboration and/or jobs boards.
You could have a look at DigitalPoint as they have a more relaxed policy on that kind of thing.

I wouldn’t want to lose you as a contributing member and it would be great if you could stick around, add a link in your sig and get involved.
