A resume question

What are the specific technical skills that (beginning) web developers MUST list on their resume?

Most resumes list the names of programming languages and software they’ve used. But I feel that I will need to elaborate.

I usually list the programming languages; applications or packages; any other skills relating to programming -> documentation/project management/etc;
Also experience is important -> where you worked/ what you did and learnt;

That’s what I meant by elaborating… what are those other skills related to programming?

My resume is nearly finished with experience, education and other information cataloged, but the skills and profile/summary section is often the hardest thing to work on. So far I have HTML, CSS, Javascript and then I name a few programs I have used such as Adobe software, wysiwygs, and so on.

I think giving a authenticate web link that you have designed could make you differ from many others. If you have not designed any published site then elaborating some good and exceptional feature may make you remarkable.

It depends entirely on the job you’re applying for.

If you’re going to be a straight back-end developer at a large company then they couldn’t care less if you’re into social media. They also won’t want to read any irrelevant information about you.

It’s always a general rule of thumb to tailor your CV/Resume to the job you’re applying for, so get their job specification and their website up and look for what that company wants to see, then write in detail about what you can offer them.

At first I would like to focus your attention that resume has certain limitation, i.e. you should not make them of more than two pages. So instead of elaborating the better way could be to give a sort summary of your skills else it will occupy a large space. At the other hand if you want to elaborate then CV can be used, as a CV also consist synopsis.

I wonder while preparing resume sample many people think that only giving their details of technology and skills will lead them to get a job. It is just a medium to reach up to interview, so make it balanced, and never forget to follow standard procedure for creation of your resume sample.

Dont take down individual names just like DHTM, PHP, JAVA. Use the general level such CAD (Computer Aided Designs), WEB Developemnt using OOL

I prefer to list following in my resume:

Languages I know
Projects I have developed in those languages
Professional certifications gained
Most challenging Project completed

Usually this much should be enough for most interviews.

Most of the people use to mention the technologies on which they specialise their carrier, but I observe some people also mention platform, like Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress etc, apart from this some people prefer to highlight experience, positions etc. if you have difficulty in writing your resume then you can get help from sample resume site, there are many sites available which can guide you in this case one of them is bestsampleresume.com