A simple problem Creating a table

Hello #1 noob here. I thought I know I’ll purchase myself a book. Being the modern world it was an ebook. A sitepoint one no less.

“Building your own database driven websites using php and mySQL”

I started. I started well. I came across this:

mysql> CREATE TABLE table_name (
-> column1Name column1Type column1Details,
-> column2Name column2Type column2Details,
-> ⋮

I stopped. I stopped dead.

This has got to be something simple right? I suggest one of you know’s the answer.

I think it’s that little 3 dot thing. This has caught my intrigue. What’s it called? How did it become to be created? What does it mean? How can I get my keyboard to make one? Why would I want to?

Anyway, if anyone can help me I’d be utterly grateful and able to continue onwards to supremacy.

Many thanks for your time, you’re all wonderful human beings.


There’s your answer. DOH!

“onwards to supremacy fail”

“Develop good character with compassion for others” FAIL?

steven, i don’t know why you’re being so hard on the guy

he did find and correct his error all by himself

lol I think he thought it was two different posters. I generally post in a lighthearted way, and at this stage mocked myself.

English humour perhaps mistranslated across the water :slight_smile: