About faceook

In facebook I want timeline photos and other things hide from my close friends.I want selected people only will see my timeline and hide other people, so give me suggestions for this task.I am very trouble for this task.So help me

They made it quite easy these days. Just check out the new security button right next to the “settings” button. There you can restrict who can see you timeline, photos and anything else, actually :slight_smile:

You can restrict group of people or friends whom you do not wish to see your wall or photos or friends list. Kindly configure it under settings and browse it form there.

privacy settings > “who can see my stuff” edit > custom > specific people…

you have an option n personal setting that is go to account setting there you have a personal settings click edit and make sure of friends,public,only me,etc…you can select from that place and make your profile visible only to your frineds