Accessing an old database

Really random question… Sorry not sure if this is the correct thread.

There is a 2013 database of Canadian mortgage brokers that is up to date and current here:

I’m wondering if there is any way to access the database history from 1 year ago. Basically, I’m trying to figure out which mortgage brokers have retired (e.g. If they were listed in 2012 but NOT in 2013)

Is there any way to do this? Any tool?

Thanks for any advice!

Well, the only way to do that is if you have permission from the website owners to have access to their actual database. Then you can connect to that to pull all the information you need.

Else you would have to build a Html scrapper that runs on the site and reads all the info it must and parses it to what ever format you need.

Could the HTML scrapper get data from prior years or only moving forward from when it’s setup?