Ad networks like Taboola/Outbrain who dont require crazy pageview mins for publishers

There’s a specific type of of ad that I’d like to serve on my content website…not sure how to describe it other than it serves very “gossipy” / “link-baity” ads that look like this:

Generally speaking, they’re gossipy articles / what I’d call ‘infotainment’. Or cheesy lists like “The 10 best sushi places in the country!”. They very closely mirror the vibe/content of my website, so I think they’ll perform quite well.

Here’s the problem: Outbrain, Taboola and the other ad networks I’ve looked into that serve those flavor of ads won’t talk to any publishers with fewer than 500,000 monthly page views. So I’m looking for ad networks with that will work with smaller publishers (50,000 monthly pageviews in my case.)

Any suggestions?