Add new element

Hi all,

I have a form with radio, and wanna add new element after clicking the radio.

I’m newbie to jquery and javascript so was unable to do, please help me regarding that.

Here are my codes.
<form action=“” method=“post” class=“empCom”>
<fieldset class=“empCom”>
<legend class=“empCom”>Work Status</legend>
<label class=“empCom” for=“”>Work Status</label>
<input type=“radio” id=“job” name=“work” value=“Job” />Job
<input type=“radio” id=“self” name=“work” value=“Self” />Self Employed
<input type=“radio” id=“other” name=“work” value=“other” />Any Other

Now I if here Job radio is checked then I wanna add another element after the fieldset.
<fieldset class="jobform16">
<legend>Form-16 Status</legend>
<input type="radio" id="form16" class="jobform16" name="form16" value="Yes" />Yes
<input type="radio" id="Nform16" class="jobform16" name="form16" value="No" />No

and if any other than job radio is selected the add a submit button. But I’m unable to add the elements.

here is my jquery/js code

$('#job').live('checked', function(objEvent) {
	var form16 = $('<fieldset class="jobform16"><legend>Form-16 Status</legend><input type="radio" id="form16" class="jobform16" name="form16" value="Yes" />Yes<input type="radio" id="Nform16" class="jobform16" name="form16" value="No" />No</fieldset>');
form16.insertAfter($('<fieldset class="empCom"></fieldset>'));

Please help me regarding this.