Add new PK column

I have a SQL CE 3.5 database table having 35000 records. like

Name  Age Sex
abul     21    M
babul   22    M
cabul   23    F
zabul   23    M

I want to add an Auto_increment (Identity) Primary Key ‘Id’

Id          Name Age Sex
1           abul     21    M
2           babul   22    M
3           cabul   23    F
35000     zabul   23    M

what will be the query?


without playing around with sample data, i’m not sure

you definitely don’t want to be playing around with live data in case you screw it up

if i were doing it, i would do what i’ve done several times successfully before – create a new table with the identity column, do an INSERT SELECT to load it from the current table, then drop the current one and rename the new one