Adding a line of PHP to each page making them unique


I’m not great with Wordpress, new enough to it (and PHP).

Sites I have worked on before would have page files like, index.php or about-us/index.php - so in each of these files at the top would be something like this:

$currentLevel1Page = "Home";

Anyone know how I can add something like this to separate pages in Wordpress? I’d like to call a different element, like a paragraph or menu depending on the page.



I don’t know if this is the best way, but I add

if (is_page()) { 
	$page_slug = 'page-'.$post->post_name; 

at the top of the page (in header.php) and then add the class to the body tag with

<body <?php body_class($page_slug); ?>>

That way if I have a page that has the title “About Us”, the body tag will have a class of “page-about-us” among other default classes that WordPress uses. So if I need to target just that page, I can refer to its class name.

Thanks for that WebMachine.

I got a comment in another forum which said to use $_SERVER[‘request_uri’].

What I have at the moment is:

	if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/')
		echo 'content';

And that seems to work. What my problem now is, that I need to get an elseif statement working to get the above code to output different content for whatever page it is on.

I have tried this, but I’m not even sure if it’s right (it doesn’t seem to work though):

	if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/')
		echo 'content';
        elseif($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/about/')
		echo 'about content';

I have it sorted now using this:

$page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if ($page == '/') {

   $content = 'page /';

} else if ($page == '/home') {

   $content = 'page /home';

} else if ($page == '/about') {

   $content = 'page /about';

} else if ($page == '/contact') {

   $content = 'page /contact';

} else {

   $content = 'default if page is not above';
