Adding an If inside an update statement

I’m trying to add an IF clause inside an update statement. Thought this was easy, but seems it isn’t.

This is the way it is. It’s inside a stored procedure.

FETCH cur1 INTO procId, procType, procVals, procLen, procUpdated, procPrivate, procRegional;

        IF done THEN
          LEAVE the_loop;
        END IF;

        UPDATE scores t1
    		JOIN scores t2
    		ON FIND_IN_SET(, t2.vals)
    		SET t1.private = t1.private+1,
    		IF procType = 3 THEN // Problem lies here
    	         t1.regional = t1.regional+1;
                ELSE IF procType = 4 THEN
                 t1.otherCol = t1.otherCol+1;
    	      END IF;
    	WHERE = procId;

I’m stuck with the IF in there. Apart from the first SET, I also need to Update another column with the IF. Can you please assist?

I also did like below, but everthime it’s the same error:

SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CASE procType
UPDATE scores t1
JOIN scores t2
ON FIND_IN_SET(, t2.vals)
SET t1.private = t1.private+1,
    WHEN procType = 3  THEN t1.regional = t1.regional+1
    WHEN procType = 4  THEN t1.otherCol = t1.otherCol+1
    END as Col
WHERE = procId
UPDATE scores t1
  JOIN scores t2
    ON FIND_IN_SET(, t2.vals)
   SET t1.private = t1.private+1
     , t1.regional = CASE WHEN procType = 3 
                          THEN t1.regional+1
                          ELSE t1.regional END
     , t1.otherCol = CASE WHEN procType = 4 
                          THEN t1.otherCol+1
                          ELSE t1.otherCol END
 WHERE = procId

Thanks for helping. This is the way I wanted to do it. Looks like you’re the same guy who replied to this question on another site.