Adding columns with time values and convert it to hr, min and sec

I have three columns, hour(s), min(s), sec(s)

I can add it up, but will like to convert it into. hrs, mins and sec.

this is how, i am adding it up into seconds.

  SELECT  ((TotalTimeSpentHrs*60*60)+(TotalTimeSpentMin*60)+(TotalTimeSpentSec))AS totaltime

how can I convert it, I ma using sql server. thanks

Since you have this information in three different fields, one way to do this is treating this info as text to show it in the format you want (which, I guess, it will be hh:mm:ss)

Then you’ll be able to convert to whatever time you want (how to do this conversion depends on the database you use and you should refer to their manual)

SELECT CONVERT(TIME, CAST(TotalTimeSpentHrs AS CHAR(2)) + ':' + CAST(TotalTimeSpentMin AS CHAR(2)) + ':' + CAST(TotalTimeSpentSec AS CHAR(2)),108) AS totaltime FROM EST1

I didn’t see that he was using SQL Server until your wrote this lol


Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

What type of data do you use for each field?

the columns are (float, null)

[quote=“lostty84, post:6, topic:102251, full:true”]

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
[/quote]try this –

SELECT CONVERT(TIME,'12:15:23',108) AS test_time

if this works, is it possible that you have one of those three column values out of range?

SELECT 'yes, bad data' FROM EST1 WHERE TotalTimeSpentHrs > 23 OR TotalTimeSpentMin > 59 OR TotalTimeSpentSec > 59
if this returns 0 rows, then probably the CAST from float to CHAR(2) didn’t work…

Good morning, ]

the test time query works, it returns the test time


and the second query works, and it returns two rows
yes, bad data
yes, bad data

[quote=“lostty84, post:10, topic:102251, full:true”]and the second query works, and it returns two rows
yes, bad data
yes, bad data
[/quote]well, there’s your reason for the failed conversion

looks like you will have to compute total seconds after all, and then convert the final number back to a time

i have used this to convert to seconds

UPDATE EST SET CurTotalTimeUsed = (TotalTimeSpentHrs*60*60) + (TotalTimeSpentMin*60)+(TotalTimeSpentSec)

how can i convert it to hrs, min , and secs.


[quote=“lostty84, post:12, topic:102251, full:true”]how can i convert it to hrs, min , and secs.[/quote]use math, in the other direction…

divide by 3600, that’s hours
divide the remainder by 60, that’s minutes
divide the remainder of that by 60, that’s seconds

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