Adding star trail effect script to page

I want to insert this star trail effect script, it works fine on blank page but star trail doesn’t appear on most areas in this page and script corrupts several objects’ position. How can I insert it successfully?


<style type="text/css">

body {overflow: scroll; overflow-x: hidden;}

.anyClass {

 position: relative;

 visibility: hidden;

 left: -5000px;




<body bgcolor="#000000">

<p><!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan --><script language="JavaScript1.2">



Submitted by Marcin Wojtowicz []

Featured on JavaScript Kit (

Modified by JK to be IE7+/ Firefox compatible

For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit


var trailLength = 10 // The length of trail (8 by default; put more for longer "tail")

var path = "cursor_star.png" // URL of your image

var standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body //create reference to common "body" across doctypes

var i,d = 0

function initTrail() { // prepares the script

	images = new Array() // prepare the image array

	for (i = 0; i < parseInt(trailLength); i++) {

		images[i] = new Image()

		images[i].src = path


	storage = new Array() // prepare the storage for the coordinates

	for (i = 0; i < images.length*3; i++) {

		storage[i] = 0


	for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { // make divs for IE and layers for Navigator

		document.write('<div id="obj' + i + '" style="position: absolute; z-Index: 100; height: 0; width: 0"><img src="' + images[i].src + '" width='+(16-i)+' height='+(16-i)+'></div>')




function trail() { // trailing function

	for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { // for every div/layer

		document.getElementById("obj" + i) = storage[d]+'px' // the Y-coordinate

		document.getElementById("obj" + i).style.left = + storage[d+1]+'px' // the X-coordinate

		d = d+2


	for (i = storage.length; i >= 2; i--) { // save the coordinate for the div/layer that's behind

		storage[i] = storage[i-2]


	d = 0 // reset for future use

	var timer = setTimeout("trail()",10) // call recursively


function processEvent(e) { // catches and processes the mousemove event

	if (window.event) { // for IE

		storage[0] = window.event.y+standardbody.scrollTop+10

		storage[1] = window.event.x+standardbody.scrollLeft+10

	} else {

		storage[0] = e.pageY+12

		storage[1] = e.pageX+12




	document.onmousemove = processEvent // start capturing


</script><!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --></p>


I uploaded my page with all contents below:

What I want to insert is this star trail effect: