Advantages of ORM

Imagine you have a game entity with plenty of many-to-one relations as well as many-to-many relations with teams and officials. You want to hydrate a game object graph with everything nicely linked.

Here is an example of building such a query using Doctrine 2’s ORM.
Not saying it’s a good example but it is real and it works.

public function createQueryBuilderForGames()
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('game');

$qb->addSelect('game, game_location, game_age_group, game_region');
$qb->addSelect('project, project_official_positions');

$qb->addSelect('project_game_teams,project_game_team,  project_game_team_region');

$qb->leftJoin('game.project', 'project');

$qb->leftJoin('game.region',  'game_region');

$qb->leftJoin('game.projectGameTeams',         'project_game_teams');
$qb->leftJoin('project_game_team.region',      'project_game_team_region');

$qb->leftJoin('game.projectGameOfficials',             'project_game_officials');
$qb->leftJoin('project_game_official.region',          'project_game_official_region');

return $qb;

You can use the above query to load a single game:

public function find($id)
if (!$id) return null;

$qb = $this->createQueryBuilderForGames();
$qb->where(' = :id');
return $qb->getQuery()->getSingleResult();

Or to load a bunch of games using a criteria object:

public function findGamesByCriteria(array $criteria)
$gameIds = $this->findGameIdsByCriteria($criteria);
if (count($gameIds) < 1) return [];

$qb = $this->createQueryBuilderForGames();

$qb->where(' IN(:game_ids)');

$qb->addOrderBy('',  'ASC');

return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

Yes you do have to map your objects to database tables.
And sometimes the ORM loads more than you really need.
But using one can save quite a bit of development time.