Advice for traversing in jQuery


I have a table like this:

<table class="shoplist">
  <td>name</td><td><a href="#">Info</a></td>
 <tr class="details"><td colspan="2"><div>details</div></td>

and the following script:

$(function() {
 $('.shoplist a').click(function() {
  return false;

The above works but seems overly complicated. Can anyone suggest a better way to do it?


It seems quite easy… not too many code :slight_smile:
Maybe try without a table and with <li> lists instead ?

Ah, well this is a simplified version of the table. There’s actually two more columns and I thought about doing it as a list but a table really is the best option.

Don’t have a clue to get this more simplified, as I’m not so experienced in jquery etc…
But, maybe you could do this with some sorth of array and a for loop, running through your links, giving them a function.

<table id="shoplist">
  <td>name</td><td><a href="#">Info</a></td>
 <tr class="details"><td colspan="2"><div>details</div></td>

// JS: 
links = document.getElementById('shoplist').getElementsByTagName('a');
divs = document.getElementById('shoplist').getElementsByTagName('div');

for (var i=0; i < links.length; i++) {
links[i].onclick = divs[i].doSlideToggleFunction();
// ..... needs to be worked out some more

At the end, my solution will be more complicated I guess :frowning:

Have you read the tree traversal documentation?


A pure Javascript solution would work but defeats the point of using jQuery really, but thanks for the suggestion.

Paul - yes I’ve tried a few of them but without much luck. If I modify your suggestion to use closest instead of parent it nearly works but I still need another .children(‘td’):


It’s one less selector at least but still seems like too many. But it works so it’s not critical, I just figured there must be a more efficient way.

Oh yes, I should have seen it before.

Use a context selector, so that you select the div that is within the the context of the next details element.

$('div', $(this).closest('tr').next('.details')).slideToggle('slow');

So, starting from that details element, you find the selector, and then slide the result.

Ah, excellent, that works. I didn’t know about about context selectors so I’ve learnt something today. Thanks Paul!