Advice on a Resume/Profile/Personal Page?

I bought my screen name as a the other day with the intention of making it one of those Resume/Personal pages with just a little “About Me”. I’m probably just a basic HTML page, I might use it as a reason to get an introduction to Angular. I’m looking for ideas & inspiration, any other tips are welcome as well. I don’t really know what I’m going to do with it since I’m not really a freelancer, not a designer, I don’t really work on open source, and I’m not really looking for a job.

Maybe use it as a blog?

I’m not really looking for a job.

I think that a well prepared resume/portfolio site and/or blog, etc is never a bad thing. How does one know when they might be looking for a job? Or regardless of how good a current position is, when someone might stumble across you and offer you a better one?

It can’t hurt, for sure, and as you say, it might give you an excuse to try out something new. I’ll be redoing mine soon, and using it as the same excuse - to try some new stuff in a small tinkering project.

Document your passion there. I did that and now I make a few bucks here and there. I’m not in it for the bucks but it does put a little gas in my truck and pays for some software upgrades.


yeah…you can use it as a blog… to share and stay connected. It feels good when people drop in to read what you have to share.

Simply enter your hobbies, what inspires you and what is interesting to you. There are so many things you can enter. Also you can enter your hitorical records like something related to your past.

This is just my personal opinion but I don’t like to put any personal info online. With that being said, I would create an application that I personally use. Maybe you can make a site that comprised of your favorite web site contents in 1 screen. Another is that you can use it to make tutorial video and uploaded on YouTube. Something like “AngularJS 101 - Directives”.

I never put personal info online. I have it in a couple places only. The screen name I am currently on I am careful with and probably won’t ever directly attach it to my real info.

To be fair though, this thread had a different purpose originally that was kind of against the rules. I was mostly looking for inspiration. I already know what I’m going to do with it. :slight_smile: Now it’s just a matter of getting the time do it.