Affiliate Marketing

Hey Friend

Can anybody guide me that how to do Affiliate Marketing without a website?


There is an article on the subject here, but I would advise you to be careful, because it looks to me pretty much like spamming by another name. For example, their first suggestion is “Post on blogs and forums”. I can’t speak for other forums, but [B]posting affiliate links is not allowed on this forum[/B], and will lead to an infraction and possibly a ban.

Thanks for your suggestion but can you please guide where can I post my affiliate links?

The article I linked to has a number of suggestions, although as I say, the techniques seem Spammy to me. You’re trying to use other people’s blogs and websites to make money for yourself. What benefit is there for the site owners?

Many affiliate programes specifically ban the posting of links other than on the affiliate’s own website. And those that don’t ban it strongly discourage it. And even if you do post affiliate links on other people’s sites, the site operators will probably consider them to be spammy and will remove them.

And, in any case, what’s the point? You won’t make any real money by such tactics. If you’re serious about affiliate marketing, you need to develop a high-quality site of your own, with compelling content that will attract a large number of visitors.
