Ajax not making call in Internet Explorer


I call a php to get back a response which is just a plain “response=1” for example, when I click on a button. It works correctly in all other

browsers except Internet Explorer.

You can test it here:


If you click on the big green button which says "Jetzt mitspielen " you can see it working in firefox or chrome, but try in explorer and it

doesn’t seem to make the call.

Here is the start of the code:

 $(document).on('click', '.game-reg-button', function(e){
    		var href = $(this).attr('href');
    		var emailaddress = $('#game-email').val();
    	var getstate ="";
    	var data;

    		 $.get('promo_getstate.php', {
                    email: emailaddress,
    		country: 'DE',
    		lang: lang,
                    source: '1304_Spring_dly'
                }, function (data) {
    			getstate = data;


Hi there,

This probably isn’t going to help very much, but two things spring to mind.

  1. Leaving a couple of console.log() statements in my code, recently left me wondering why my AJAX call wasn’t working in IE.
    Try removing them from your code and see if this makes a difference.
  2. When I check out the page in IE10 and click the button I see:

    SEC7118: "XMLHttpRequest" für http://aktion.esprit-club.com/misc/promo_getstate.php?cache=false&email=&country=DE&lang=de&source=1304_Spring_dly&_=1364506133777 erforderte Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

    So it could be a CORS thing …