Ajaxy Table

Can someone show me the markup to something like this?

I dont need the css. Just the markup. I’m a newb with tables. : (

Untested but I see no reason why it shouldn’t work.

<td>Jan 27</td>
<td><img alt="details" /></td>

You have an extra cell for the Details image though.

That’s pimp thanks Rye! =)


You’re welcome :).

Can someone take a look over this for me? I need to style it with CSS, but I dont know how? God, I suck at tables. : (

The grayish background can be put on the <thead> repeated across the x axis.

The text needs vertical-align on the th/td. The font you can do yourself…colors yourself…there really isn’t that much that we can do for you :slight_smile: