All-Site Encryption and SEO

In light of all the privacy concerns out there, a few weeks ago I decided to make all web pages on my website encrypted (i.e. using HTTPS), and then just the other day a thought occurred to me…

If I make every web page HTTPS on my website, then won’t that completely block every page on my website from the search engines?? :eek:

Since most of the pages on my website are content (e.g. articles), I need awesome SEO.

At the same time, when a Visitor or a Registered Member arrives on my website, I want to give them peace-of-mind by not broadcasting where they surf or what they type (e.g. Article Comments) for the whole world to see.

Is there a way to get the best of both worlds?! :-/



Search engines can still see and index your site perfectly fine with HTTPS. If a visitor can see a site without logging in etc, search engines can too.
If you don’t believe me, google for “twitter”, first result is [noparse]http[/noparse]s[noparse]://[/noparse]

Search engines can crawl HTTPS sites. It doesn’t make much of a difference to them.

All HTTPS does is create an encrypted tunnel between the visitor and the server so that the data being transferred is unreadable to anyone potentially intercepting it somewhere in between. So, what you have is a way to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

So HTTP and HTTPS don’t matter to Search Engines, just whether or not the page is “restricted” (e.g. Requires a person being logged in)?



So from a privacy standpoint, encrypting all web pages on my website - using HTTPS - would be a good thing, right?

And from an SEO standpoint, it sounds like it would make no difference, right?




Right again :slight_smile:

Gee, is that it?! That easy?? :lol:
