An RSS question

Hello, all,

I’m thinking of adding some RSS to a personal project that I’m working on, and I have a question.

Is it possible to offer more than one RSS file in the same folder? For example, if I have a “news” RSS and an “events” RSS - do they both have to go in the same “.rdf” file, or can I create two “.rdf” files? If a user is not using an RSS reader (for example, I use FireFox “Live Feeds”), can a browser indicate that there is more than one feed, and allow the user to subscribe to one or the other or both?



Sure you can have as many as you need. One site I work on has 5 - all variations of the same content but for different purposes and audiences!

Name your RSS files with the .xml extension so you could then use feed.xml, news.xml, events.xml or even combine them into new-events.xml

You can place the files anywhere you want that makes sense, if it’s a news feed you could place the file in your /news folder so the URL would be /news/feed.xml - or you could place them all in a /feeds folder.

Place a link to your feed file(s) somewhere people can find it, modern browsers will render a formatted feed page and normally provide subscribe options on the generated page.

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What about Chrome? For me it always displays a raw xml file.

Firefox always renders a nicely formatted page, I’m sure Opera used to as well before they gave in to webkit. Safari used to but it appears that no longer does! As for Chrome, well say no more :slight_smile:

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Same here; the last time I saw a nicely formatted feed page (Feedburner excluded) must have been years ago, in Safari!

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I had read (can’t find the link, now, of course) that RSS feeds can be .xml files, but that RSS is an XML format based upon RDF, and that the files should be .rdf files. (shrug) But the important thing is that I can place “news.rdf (or .xml)” and “events.rdf (or .xml)” in the same folder and RSS readers (and modern browsers) should be able to make a distinction, giving the user a choice.

Much appreciated!



Hmmm, I’ve seen “rdf” files used for Firefox extensions, but never for RSS files

eg. for this page

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Latest posts" href="">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Latest topics" href="">

AFAIK they can have the xml file extension, but I think to be the safest with most browsers picking them up and displaying them you should have both the attr-vals and rss extension

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Weird. For me, FireFox is not showing the RSS button when anywhere on



Yes, Firefox removed it and now requires an addon to restore the feature.

Now I’m really confused, because I can get the RSS button in FireFox when going to the Adobe ColdFusion forum. But, over there I do not see anything like the sample <link> code you provided.



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