Anchor Tag

Hi All,

Im New Here,

Actually Im Designing a Single Page Website with four <section> tags

So when an User Clicks a Specific Link it has to go to that Section

Everything is Working Fine instead,

When i Click any of those links it goes to the top of the page instead of the particular section

this is my html markup

<div class="navbg">
    				<li><a class="introlink anchorLink" href="#intro">intro</a></li>
    				<li><a class="portfoliolink anchorLink" href="#portfolio">about</a></li>
    				<li><a class="aboutlink anchorLink" href="#about">portfolio</a></li>
    				<li><a class="contactlink anchorLink" href="#contact">contact</a></li>

this is my css markup

header { width: 100%;  float: left; position:fixed; top:0px; }

#headercontainer { width: 100%; height:76px; background-image:url(images/navbgcrack3.png); }

header section  nav{ display:block;}

#logo { float:left; margin-top:20px; margin-left:20px; border:0px;}

.navbg { background-image:url(images/mainnavbg.png); width:364px; height:71px; margin-left:350px; float:left;}

nav { width: auto; }

nav ul {  position: absolute; margin-top:25px;   }

nav ul li { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px;  display: inline; margin-left:20px;   }

nav ul li a{ color:#47453f; border-bottom: none; text-decoration:none;}

this is my jquery

$(document).ready(function() {

jQuery.fn.anchorAnimate = function(settings) {

 	settings = jQuery.extend({
		speed : 500
	}, settings);	
	return this.each(function(){
		var caller = this
		$(caller).click(function (event) {	
			var locationHref = window.location.href
			var elementClick = $(caller).attr("href")
			var destination = $(elementClick).offset().top;
			$("html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)").animate({ scrollTop: destination}, settings.speed, function() {
				window.location.hash = elementClick
		  	return false;

your help is appreciated

Hi azhar05hk. Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

The key thing you’ve missed out (or at least, not posted here) is that you need to place those hrefs as IDs on each section. E.g.

<section [COLOR="#FF0000"]id="intro"[/COLOR]>

Otherwise the link doesn’t point to anything. :slight_smile:

Can you Please explain me indetail

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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<title>Untitled Document</title>
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<header><!-----Header Area Code Starts Here-------->
<div id="headerarea">
<div id="logo">
<a class="introlink anchorLink" href="#intro"><img src="images/logo.png" width="131" height="28" /></a>
<div class="navbg">
    				<li><a class="introlink anchorLink" href="#intro">intro</a></li>
    				<li><a class="portfoliolink anchorLink" href="#portfolio">about</a></li>
    				<li><a class="aboutlink anchorLink" href="#about">portfolio</a></li>
    				<li><a class="contactlink anchorLink" href="#contact">contact</a></li>
<div id="socialcontainer">
<a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image68','','images/fb_onhover.png',1)"><img src="images/fb_normal.png" name="Image68" width="32" height="32" border="0" id="Image68" /></a>
<a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image69','','images/tw_onhover.png',1)"><img src="images/tw_normal.png" name="Image69" width="32" height="32" border="0" id="Image69" /></a>
<a href="#" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('Image67','','images/sk_onhover.png',1)"><img src="images/sk_normal.png" name="Image67" width="32" height="32" border="0" id="Image67" /></a></div>
</header> <!-----Header Area Code Ends Here-------->
<section id="contentcontainer"> <!-------Intro Area Code Starts Here----->
    	<section id="intro">
        <div id="introcontents" class="fix" >
        <div class="content">
    	<img src="images/hiazhar.png" width="517" height="46" />
        <img src="images/hiazhartagline.png" height="19" width="417" style="margin-top:5px;" />
        <p>What's up! I'm Azhar. Welcome to my portfolio,i specalize in branding & identity design, illustrations, print , web & graphic designs.and this is a showcase of my  virtual home  </p>
        <div class="highlight">more..</div>
        <img src="images/myskills.png" width="158" height="32" style="margin-top:25px" />
        <p>photoshop <span class="highlight">|</span> illustrator <span class="highlight">|</span> indesign <span class="highlight">|</span> flash <span class="highlight">|</span> html <span class="highlight">|</span> css <span class="highlight">|</span> jquery and a some
1% of php and ajax,yet im continously learning to improve myself</p> 
<div class="highlight">Download my cv..</div>
<img src="images/whattheysay.png" style="margin-top:25px" />
<p><span class="highlight">"</span>He has a great work attitude and willing to undertake any challenge. I will have no hesitation in recommending him for whatever career he pursues<span class="highlight">"</span></p>
<div class="highlight">more..</div>
<div class="myimage">
<img src="images/azhar.png" width="113" height="417"/>
</section> <!-------Intro Area Code Ends Here----->
<section id="portfolio"> <!-------About Area Code Starts Here-----> 
<div id="aboutarea" style="margin-top:1000px;">
<h1>My name is <span class="highlight">Azhar</span>, I am a Web / Graphic  designer living in India, Chennai. I love solving problems with design, and making great <span class="highlight">new and creative ideas happen</span> with stratergy !!</h1>

<div class="hobbies">
<div class="box" style="margin-left:0px;">
<div class="imgicontag">
<img src="images/musicicon.png" width="55" height="54" />
<div >
<li>what i listen</li>
<div class="sep">
<img src="images/seperator.png" />
<p>The wonderful group of Rihanna, and <br />
  Avril Lavigne  are one of the best things that have <br />
  happened in music in the <br />
  twenty first century</p>
<p>Im also a die hard fan of  A.R.Rahman,the<br />
Oscar Man from India who has changed the entire Music Industry  in India for the <br />
past decade or so</p>
<div class="box">
<div class="imgicontag">
<img src="images/movieicon.png" width="55" height="54" />
<div >
<li>what i watch</li>
<div class="sep">
<img src="images/seperator.png" />
<p>As you've probably noticed, I'm a Film Geek&#8230; <br />
  I'm heavily into it and their works and I'm always interested in what these people<br />
tend to talk<br />
<p>My favourites are Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, Terry Gilliam, Alfred Hitchcock, Ken <br />
  Russell, Gaspar Noe, Andrei Tarkovsky. <br />
<div class="box">
<div class="imgicontag">
<img src="images/photoicon.png" width="55" height="54" />
<div >
<li>what i shoot</li>
<div class="sep">
<img src="images/seperator.png" />
<p>As a photographer, I like to estion everything.<br />
I like to understand how things work, why they are how they are, and how it affects <br />
what I do.</p>
<p>One of my latest ponderings really got me thinking,<br />
  Henri Cartier-Bresson a french photographer said that  &quot;Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst.&quot; <br />
  isn't that intresting?<br />
</section> <!-------About Area Code Ends Here----->
<section id="about"><!-------Porfolio Area Code Start Here----->
<div id="portfolioarea" style="margin-top:1000px;">
<div class="thumarea">
<div class="thumbheading">
<img src="images/logoicon.png" width="55" height="54" style="float:left;" />
<div class="logotext">logo</div>
<div class="thumbs">
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<div class="thumarea">
<div class="thumbheading">
<img src="images/branding.png" width="55" height="54" style="float:left;" />
<div class="logotext">branding &amp; stationery</div>
<div class="thumbs">
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<div class="thumarea">
<div class="thumbheading">
<img src="images/webicon.png" width="55" height="54" style="float:left;" />
<div class="logotext">web design </div>
<div class="thumbs">
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<div class="thumarea">
<div class="thumbheading">
<img src="images/printicon.png" width="55" height="54" style="float:left;" />
<div class="logotext">print &amp; illustration</div>
<div class="thumbs">
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
<img src="images/thumbs.jpg" width="65" height="50" />
</section> <!-------Porfolio Area Code End Here----->
<section id="contact"> <!-------Contact Area Code Starts Here----->
<div id="contactarea" style="margin-top:1000px; margin-bottom:1000px;" >
<h1>the best way to reach me is through email. and you can also <span class="highlight">fill out the form</span> below to <span class="highlight">get a quote</span>, I'll be in touch with you as soon as possible.</h1>
<div class="formarea">
<div class="name">
<div class="label">name</div>
<div class="inputs">
<input type="text" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='Enter Email Here&#8230;')? '' : this.value ;" >
<div class="name">
<div class="label">email</div>
<div class="inputs">
<input type="text" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='Enter Email Here&#8230;')? '' : this.value ;" >
<div class="name">
<div class="label"> your queries</div>
<div class="inputs">
<div class="buttons">
<img src="images/sendme.jpg" width="76" height="29" />
<img src="images/reset.jpg" width="47" height="29" style="margin-left:10px;" />
<div class="need">
<div class="needanything">
<div class="highlight">need Anything Else?</div>
<div class="sep"><img src="images/seperator.png" /></div>
<p>If you have a question or just want to say hi, drop a line at [email][/email]</p>
<div class="needanything" style="margin-top:20px;"><div class="highlight">find Me Elsewhere</div>
<div class="sep"><img src="images/seperator.png" /></div>
<p>when I'm not working, you can find me hanging out at one of the places above.</p>
<div class="testimonials">
<div class="colon"><img src="images/colon1.png" width="48" height="45"/></div>
<div class="tescontents">
<div class="whatthey">
<div class="highlight">what they " say "</div>
<div class="sep"><img src="images/seperator.png" /></div>
<p>"You're pretty awesome to work with. Incredibly organized, easy to communicate with, responsive with next iterations, and beautiful work. Easy to recommend you to others, happy to do it."</p>
<p class="highlight">Ahamed ,  Designlabz</p>
<p>"He has a great work attitude and willing to undertake any challenge. I will have no hesitation in recommending him for whatever career he pursues"</p>
<p class="highlight">Ahamed ,  Designlabz</p>
<div class="colon2"><img src="images/colon2.png" width="48" height="45"/></div>
</section> <!-------Contact Area Code End Here----->
<div class="footersep">
<div class="fl_left">© copyright 2012 azhar personal portfolio - <span class="highlight"></span></div>
<div class="fl_right"><a class="introlink anchorLink" href="#intro"><img src="images/gototop.jpg" width="35" height="39" /></a></div>
<div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true" data-font="arial"></div>


Ive copied and pasted my entire code,can you help me out please

Those links work for me. You have

<section id=“intro”>

etc. which is what you need. So if it is not working for you, something is getting in the way that you have not posted—perhaps the JavaScript. Is this online?

does it goes to those specfic areas?

The Problem is all four links goes to the top of the page

For me, they go to those specific areas. I modified my post above:

if it is not working for you, something is getting in the way that you have not posted—perhaps the JavaScript. Is this online?

No its not,

can you sent me your email address il zip it and mail it to you

Guys this is My Entire Code for My Web,

I Have a Problem,

I Have 4 Sections,when i click each one of the link it goes to the top of the Page instead of the specific section.

Your Help is Appreciated

The markup is malformed (so won’t render correctly) which won’t help matters. The extra adjacent hyphens in those comment delimiters are invalid too they are supposed to be: <!– Comment –> don’t add more or it can cause parsing errors. You’d be better off removing that HTML5 nonsense and using something normative. I’d suggest a DIV perhaps with class value of section, etc. The fragment identifiers would work across the browsers if the markup was normative and valid.

As mentioned, the code you posted works fine as just HTML. I added in your jQuery code, and it works fine with that, too. It seems to be working perfectly.

Yes, run the page through the validator. And because you are using HTML5 elements, make sure to use the HTML5 doctype:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Strange,Il Copy it in a Thumb Drive and check it in Other Computer,and get back to you guys,

Thanks inbetween


Didn’t make any difference?

What browser(s) are you using? Make sure to change the doctype. If you are using an old IE browser, remember that HTML5 elements are not supported.

Hi Ralph,

This is My Doctype

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”>
<html xmlns=“”>

Ive Tried it in CHrome,Mozilla,Opera and Safari does’nt Work

As I meantioned, this is the wrong doctype. You are using HTML5 elements, so you should be using an HTML5 doctype. It’s probably not related to the issue at hand, but just sayin …

Anyhow, you code works for me in all browsers that I tried. :rolleyes:

I don’t see a closing <head> tag, what’s up with that?
I don’t see any other reason in the code why the page shouldn’t move to the correct areas though, except if the Original Poster has a very large screen where there’s nothing to scroll to.

Take the HTML code, make a new copy, and in then new copy remove everything except the navigation section and the section elements with the id’s. Then fill all the areas between with nonsense text. You can copy a lot of garbage from or any of those lorem ipsum creation sites. The point is to make lots and lots of space between each section so the browser can actually scroll those elements to the top.

Also make your code valid. You can’t just leave out a </head> tag and expect the computer to always know what you meant. They don’t speak English and don’t understand anything.

For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>MY TEST YO</title>
<ul role="navigation">
  <li><a class="introlink anchorLink" href="#intro">intro</a></li>
  <li><a class="portfoliolink anchorLink" href="#portfolio">about</a></li>
  <li><a class="aboutlink anchorLink" href="#about">portfolio</a></li>
  <li><a class="contactlink anchorLink" href="#contact">contact</a></li>
<p>Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet venison biltong bacon pancetta strip steak. Ham hock ground round pancetta leberkas. Turducken sausage pig, beef meatloaf meatball ball tip. Rump tail tri-tip pork loin pig turducken shoulder meatloaf beef ribs kielbasa.</p>

<p>Strip steak ground round tongue bacon shoulder ham hock fatback pancetta. Ground round jowl flank rump cow strip steak jerky pastrami hamburger pork pig shoulder. Corned beef flank filet mignon short loin, strip steak short ribs meatloaf tri-tip shank meatball ribeye. Venison pork chop short ribs leberkas prosciutto pork belly shank hamburger short loin beef ribs. Rump pork loin ribeye capicola andouille sausage.</p>

<p>Flank pork chop meatball, beef ribs biltong strip steak doner swine jowl t-bone turducken ham tongue tail. Leberkas cow bresaola kielbasa, rump hamburger frankfurter pork chop turducken t-bone sausage fatback andouille short ribs shoulder. Frankfurter drumstick tri-tip sirloin hamburger pork chop chicken swine strip steak shank shoulder boudin jowl. Bresaola spare ribs beef ribs meatball strip steak turkey turducken tri-tip pork loin. Pork belly tri-tip kielbasa, boudin doner beef shankle shank leberkas jerky cow flank prosciutto.</p>

<p>Pig jerky meatball leberkas, pancetta ball tip tongue spare ribs prosciutto. Pig meatball ball tip shoulder, jowl drumstick spare ribs frankfurter brisket ground round. Spare ribs t-bone sirloin, ball tip brisket rump ham chicken flank pork chop short ribs frankfurter shankle capicola. Sausage swine flank, drumstick turkey brisket fatback pork belly pancetta rump shankle.</p>

<p>Ham bresaola tri-tip, sausage fatback filet mignon andouille pork chop pig drumstick. Pork loin bresaola meatball ribeye jowl, tongue prosciutto capicola cow. Ribeye pancetta rump sirloin shank frankfurter tenderloin prosciutto strip steak pastrami bacon swine turkey pig. Ball tip tri-tip short ribs, pancetta hamburger rump tenderloin ground round flank filet mignon. Sirloin turducken sausage ham hock fatback filet mignon beef ribs shank meatball jerky bacon jowl tail beef. Beef ribs shank chuck turkey biltong pastrami hamburger meatball tongue doner t-bone strip steak brisket drumstick rump.</p>
<section id="intro" style="background-color: #080;">
<p>Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet venison biltong bacon pancetta strip steak. Ham hock ground round pancetta leberkas. Turducken sausage pig, beef meatloaf meatball ball tip. Rump tail tri-tip pork loin pig turducken shoulder meatloaf beef ribs kielbasa.</p>

<p>Strip steak ground round tongue bacon shoulder ham hock fatback pancetta. Ground round jowl flank rump cow strip steak jerky pastrami hamburger pork pig shoulder. Corned beef flank filet mignon short loin, strip steak short ribs meatloaf tri-tip shank meatball ribeye. Venison pork chop short ribs leberkas prosciutto pork belly shank hamburger short loin beef ribs. Rump pork loin ribeye capicola andouille sausage.</p>

<p>Flank pork chop meatball, beef ribs biltong strip steak doner swine jowl t-bone turducken ham tongue tail. Leberkas cow bresaola kielbasa, rump hamburger frankfurter pork chop turducken t-bone sausage fatback andouille short ribs shoulder. Frankfurter drumstick tri-tip sirloin hamburger pork chop chicken swine strip steak shank shoulder boudin jowl. Bresaola spare ribs beef ribs meatball strip steak turkey turducken tri-tip pork loin. Pork belly tri-tip kielbasa, boudin doner beef shankle shank leberkas jerky cow flank prosciutto.</p>

<p>Pig jerky meatball leberkas, pancetta ball tip tongue spare ribs prosciutto. Pig meatball ball tip shoulder, jowl drumstick spare ribs frankfurter brisket ground round. Spare ribs t-bone sirloin, ball tip brisket rump ham chicken flank pork chop short ribs frankfurter shankle capicola. Sausage swine flank, drumstick turkey brisket fatback pork belly pancetta rump shankle.</p>

<p>Ham bresaola tri-tip, sausage fatback filet mignon andouille pork chop pig drumstick. Pork loin bresaola meatball ribeye jowl, tongue prosciutto capicola cow. Ribeye pancetta rump sirloin shank frankfurter tenderloin prosciutto strip steak pastrami bacon swine turkey pig. Ball tip tri-tip short ribs, pancetta hamburger rump tenderloin ground round flank filet mignon. Sirloin turducken sausage ham hock fatback filet mignon beef ribs shank meatball jerky bacon jowl tail beef. Beef ribs shank chuck turkey biltong pastrami hamburger meatball tongue doner t-bone strip steak brisket drumstick rump.</p>

<section id="portfolio" style="background-color: #00f;">
<p>Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet venison biltong bacon pancetta strip steak. Ham hock ground round pancetta leberkas. Turducken sausage pig, beef meatloaf meatball ball tip. Rump tail tri-tip pork loin pig turducken shoulder meatloaf beef ribs kielbasa.</p>

<p>Strip steak ground round tongue bacon shoulder ham hock fatback pancetta. Ground round jowl flank rump cow strip steak jerky pastrami hamburger pork pig shoulder. Corned beef flank filet mignon short loin, strip steak short ribs meatloaf tri-tip shank meatball ribeye. Venison pork chop short ribs leberkas prosciutto pork belly shank hamburger short loin beef ribs. Rump pork loin ribeye capicola andouille sausage.</p>

<p>Flank pork chop meatball, beef ribs biltong strip steak doner swine jowl t-bone turducken ham tongue tail. Leberkas cow bresaola kielbasa, rump hamburger frankfurter pork chop turducken t-bone sausage fatback andouille short ribs shoulder. Frankfurter drumstick tri-tip sirloin hamburger pork chop chicken swine strip steak shank shoulder boudin jowl. Bresaola spare ribs beef ribs meatball strip steak turkey turducken tri-tip pork loin. Pork belly tri-tip kielbasa, boudin doner beef shankle shank leberkas jerky cow flank prosciutto.</p>

<p>Pig jerky meatball leberkas, pancetta ball tip tongue spare ribs prosciutto. Pig meatball ball tip shoulder, jowl drumstick spare ribs frankfurter brisket ground round. Spare ribs t-bone sirloin, ball tip brisket rump ham chicken flank pork chop short ribs frankfurter shankle capicola. Sausage swine flank, drumstick turkey brisket fatback pork belly pancetta rump shankle.</p>

<p>Ham bresaola tri-tip, sausage fatback filet mignon andouille pork chop pig drumstick. Pork loin bresaola meatball ribeye jowl, tongue prosciutto capicola cow. Ribeye pancetta rump sirloin shank frankfurter tenderloin prosciutto strip steak pastrami bacon swine turkey pig. Ball tip tri-tip short ribs, pancetta hamburger rump tenderloin ground round flank filet mignon. Sirloin turducken sausage ham hock fatback filet mignon beef ribs shank meatball jerky bacon jowl tail beef. Beef ribs shank chuck turkey biltong pastrami hamburger meatball tongue doner t-bone strip steak brisket drumstick rump.</p>

<p>Ribeye tongue corned beef bacon doner ball tip pork belly meatloaf ham hock pastrami. Chuck hamburger capicola sirloin. Corned beef tenderloin spare ribs kielbasa boudin, chicken tri-tip fatback. Boudin ball tip pastrami pig bresaola jowl. Bresaola biltong pork loin, swine bacon fatback beef ribs leberkas short loin pancetta ground round chuck jerky. Ball tip doner filet mignon frankfurter turkey, fatback tri-tip ham hock pork loin spare ribs brisket corned beef hamburger biltong short loin. Shoulder drumstick short loin, boudin shankle t-bone filet mignon pastrami tri-tip bresaola brisket.</p>

<p>Jowl shoulder andouille, venison capicola meatball shank drumstick tenderloin. Doner t-bone shoulder, beef tail biltong kielbasa bresaola tongue pastrami filet mignon leberkas venison frankfurter brisket. Tenderloin sirloin spare ribs pork belly corned beef kielbasa venison chuck, frankfurter beef ribs. Sirloin cow brisket, tri-tip tenderloin jerky shankle bresaola. Prosciutto ball tip t-bone strip steak turkey chuck. Strip steak tenderloin turkey, andouille kielbasa short ribs pork loin drumstick t-bone biltong. Filet mignon ham jowl kielbasa.</p>

<p>Boudin shankle pastrami, tongue shoulder fatback pork chop rump venison. Turkey jowl meatball, ball tip rump tri-tip pastrami pork loin tongue swine hamburger doner pork pig. Chicken drumstick leberkas, tenderloin cow beef ribs sausage. Capicola flank filet mignon bresaola tenderloin spare ribs. Fatback boudin hamburger ball tip flank pork ham hock kielbasa doner meatloaf pork chop pancetta bresaola jowl. Pig bresaola pork loin, tongue tri-tip strip steak jerky pastrami.</p>

<section id="about" style="background-color: #ddd;">
<p>Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet venison biltong bacon pancetta strip steak. Ham hock ground round pancetta leberkas. Turducken sausage pig, beef meatloaf meatball ball tip. Rump tail tri-tip pork loin pig turducken shoulder meatloaf beef ribs kielbasa.</p>

<p>Strip steak ground round tongue bacon shoulder ham hock fatback pancetta. Ground round jowl flank rump cow strip steak jerky pastrami hamburger pork pig shoulder. Corned beef flank filet mignon short loin, strip steak short ribs meatloaf tri-tip shank meatball ribeye. Venison pork chop short ribs leberkas prosciutto pork belly shank hamburger short loin beef ribs. Rump pork loin ribeye capicola andouille sausage.</p>

<p>Flank pork chop meatball, beef ribs biltong strip steak doner swine jowl t-bone turducken ham tongue tail. Leberkas cow bresaola kielbasa, rump hamburger frankfurter pork chop turducken t-bone sausage fatback andouille short ribs shoulder. Frankfurter drumstick tri-tip sirloin hamburger pork chop chicken swine strip steak shank shoulder boudin jowl. Bresaola spare ribs beef ribs meatball strip steak turkey turducken tri-tip pork loin. Pork belly tri-tip kielbasa, boudin doner beef shankle shank leberkas jerky cow flank prosciutto.</p>

<p>Pig jerky meatball leberkas, pancetta ball tip tongue spare ribs prosciutto. Pig meatball ball tip shoulder, jowl drumstick spare ribs frankfurter brisket ground round. Spare ribs t-bone sirloin, ball tip brisket rump ham chicken flank pork chop short ribs frankfurter shankle capicola. Sausage swine flank, drumstick turkey brisket fatback pork belly pancetta rump shankle.</p>

<p>Ham bresaola tri-tip, sausage fatback filet mignon andouille pork chop pig drumstick. Pork loin bresaola meatball ribeye jowl, tongue prosciutto capicola cow. Ribeye pancetta rump sirloin shank frankfurter tenderloin prosciutto strip steak pastrami bacon swine turkey pig. Ball tip tri-tip short ribs, pancetta hamburger rump tenderloin ground round flank filet mignon. Sirloin turducken sausage ham hock fatback filet mignon beef ribs shank meatball jerky bacon jowl tail beef. Beef ribs shank chuck turkey biltong pastrami hamburger meatball tongue doner t-bone strip steak brisket drumstick rump.</p>

<p>Ribeye tongue corned beef bacon doner ball tip pork belly meatloaf ham hock pastrami. Chuck hamburger capicola sirloin. Corned beef tenderloin spare ribs kielbasa boudin, chicken tri-tip fatback. Boudin ball tip pastrami pig bresaola jowl. Bresaola biltong pork loin, swine bacon fatback beef ribs leberkas short loin pancetta ground round chuck jerky. Ball tip doner filet mignon frankfurter turkey, fatback tri-tip ham hock pork loin spare ribs brisket corned beef hamburger biltong short loin. Shoulder drumstick short loin, boudin shankle t-bone filet mignon pastrami tri-tip bresaola brisket.</p>

<p>Jowl shoulder andouille, venison capicola meatball shank drumstick tenderloin. Doner t-bone shoulder, beef tail biltong kielbasa bresaola tongue pastrami filet mignon leberkas venison frankfurter brisket. Tenderloin sirloin spare ribs pork belly corned beef kielbasa venison chuck, frankfurter beef ribs. Sirloin cow brisket, tri-tip tenderloin jerky shankle bresaola. Prosciutto ball tip t-bone strip steak turkey chuck. Strip steak tenderloin turkey, andouille kielbasa short ribs pork loin drumstick t-bone biltong. Filet mignon ham jowl kielbasa.</p>

<p>Boudin shankle pastrami, tongue shoulder fatback pork chop rump venison. Turkey jowl meatball, ball tip rump tri-tip pastrami pork loin tongue swine hamburger doner pork pig. Chicken drumstick leberkas, tenderloin cow beef ribs sausage. Capicola flank filet mignon bresaola tenderloin spare ribs. Fatback boudin hamburger ball tip flank pork ham hock kielbasa doner meatloaf pork chop pancetta bresaola jowl. Pig bresaola pork loin, tongue tri-tip strip steak jerky pastrami.</p>

<section id="contact" style="background-color: #ff0;">
<p>Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet venison biltong bacon pancetta strip steak. Ham hock ground round pancetta leberkas. Turducken sausage pig, beef meatloaf meatball ball tip. Rump tail tri-tip pork loin pig turducken shoulder meatloaf beef ribs kielbasa.</p>

<p>Strip steak ground round tongue bacon shoulder ham hock fatback pancetta. Ground round jowl flank rump cow strip steak jerky pastrami hamburger pork pig shoulder. Corned beef flank filet mignon short loin, strip steak short ribs meatloaf tri-tip shank meatball ribeye. Venison pork chop short ribs leberkas prosciutto pork belly shank hamburger short loin beef ribs. Rump pork loin ribeye capicola andouille sausage.</p>

<p>Flank pork chop meatball, beef ribs biltong strip steak doner swine jowl t-bone turducken ham tongue tail. Leberkas cow bresaola kielbasa, rump hamburger frankfurter pork chop turducken t-bone sausage fatback andouille short ribs shoulder. Frankfurter drumstick tri-tip sirloin hamburger pork chop chicken swine strip steak shank shoulder boudin jowl. Bresaola spare ribs beef ribs meatball strip steak turkey turducken tri-tip pork loin. Pork belly tri-tip kielbasa, boudin doner beef shankle shank leberkas jerky cow flank prosciutto.</p>

<p>Pig jerky meatball leberkas, pancetta ball tip tongue spare ribs prosciutto. Pig meatball ball tip shoulder, jowl drumstick spare ribs frankfurter brisket ground round. Spare ribs t-bone sirloin, ball tip brisket rump ham chicken flank pork chop short ribs frankfurter shankle capicola. Sausage swine flank, drumstick turkey brisket fatback pork belly pancetta rump shankle.</p>

<p>Ham bresaola tri-tip, sausage fatback filet mignon andouille pork chop pig drumstick. Pork loin bresaola meatball ribeye jowl, tongue prosciutto capicola cow. Ribeye pancetta rump sirloin shank frankfurter tenderloin prosciutto strip steak pastrami bacon swine turkey pig. Ball tip tri-tip short ribs, pancetta hamburger rump tenderloin ground round flank filet mignon. Sirloin turducken sausage ham hock fatback filet mignon beef ribs shank meatball jerky bacon jowl tail beef. Beef ribs shank chuck turkey biltong pastrami hamburger meatball tongue doner t-bone strip steak brisket drumstick rump.</p>

<p>Ribeye tongue corned beef bacon doner ball tip pork belly meatloaf ham hock pastrami. Chuck hamburger capicola sirloin. Corned beef tenderloin spare ribs kielbasa boudin, chicken tri-tip fatback. Boudin ball tip pastrami pig bresaola jowl. Bresaola biltong pork loin, swine bacon fatback beef ribs leberkas short loin pancetta ground round chuck jerky. Ball tip doner filet mignon frankfurter turkey, fatback tri-tip ham hock pork loin spare ribs brisket corned beef hamburger biltong short loin. Shoulder drumstick short loin, boudin shankle t-bone filet mignon pastrami tri-tip bresaola brisket.</p>

<p>Jowl shoulder andouille, venison capicola meatball shank drumstick tenderloin. Doner t-bone shoulder, beef tail biltong kielbasa bresaola tongue pastrami filet mignon leberkas venison frankfurter brisket. Tenderloin sirloin spare ribs pork belly corned beef kielbasa venison chuck, frankfurter beef ribs. Sirloin cow brisket, tri-tip tenderloin jerky shankle bresaola. Prosciutto ball tip t-bone strip steak turkey chuck. Strip steak tenderloin turkey, andouille kielbasa short ribs pork loin drumstick t-bone biltong. Filet mignon ham jowl kielbasa.</p>

<p>Boudin shankle pastrami, tongue shoulder fatback pork chop rump venison. Turkey jowl meatball, ball tip rump tri-tip pastrami pork loin tongue swine hamburger doner pork pig. Chicken drumstick leberkas, tenderloin cow beef ribs sausage. Capicola flank filet mignon bresaola tenderloin spare ribs. Fatback boudin hamburger ball tip flank pork ham hock kielbasa doner meatloaf pork chop pancetta bresaola jowl. Pig bresaola pork loin, tongue tri-tip strip steak jerky pastrami.</p>


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