Angular.js HTTP Concatenation - Changing URL - Breaks Angular

I have a small problem with an Angular.js app.
I’m using a module (ngGeolocation) which fetches GeoIP data and provides the parts that I am interested in as $geolocation.position.coords.longitude & $geolocation.position.coords.latitude.
They works perfectly and display the latitude and longitude when called in angular expressions in the webpage (for testing purposes - {{ $geolocation.position.coords.longitude }} etc…)
However, I want to use the API to find a local postcode from this.
I can get the postcode from set latitude and longitude but, when I try to concatenate the real, current latitude and longitude it breaks angular.

This example with set latitude and longitude works:

This, however, does not:

$http.get(‘//’ + $geolocation.position.coords.longitude + ‘&lat=’ + $geolocation.position.coords.latitude);

I’m still pretty new to this so maybe I’m doing something stupid…
Thanks for reading


That sounds a bit odd.
Could you please provide enough code to recreate your problem.

A Float precision problem?

As Pullo said, really need to see code for anything more than guesses.

In particular, the parts that deal with $geolocation.position.coords.___

Right before this line:

$http.get(‘//’ + $geolocation.position.coords.longitude + ‘&lat=’ + $geolocation.position.coords.latitude);

Place this.


In the console check what the value of that actually is.

To deal with these issues I recommend setting up real time JavaScript debugging. I use PHPStorm for it but I think you can do it with just the Chrome browser. The alternative is just using console.log as I showed which is much less efficient but works.

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