Another site mirroring my site

How do I stop another site from mirroring my site? It looks exactly the same, has the same file structure and any content that I add is immediately added on their site. It appears to be a mirror, not that they stole any files. Can I stop that some how on my end?

If they’re stealing your PHP files, add a test of the $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] then redirect to your website. Since you say that they’re not stolen, incorporate a new JavaScript code (use a compression routine so it’s not very readable; if you don’t know what the effect of a compression routine is, go to and download their three versions of jQuery and compare them) to do the same thing and make it a part of another Javascript file you are using which is required by your website.

THEN e-mail the host of the mirror site and register a complaint. If you’re serious about stopping it, have an attorney write the letter to the host to threaten legal action.



turns out, the domain is simply pointing to my IP! How in the world can I stop that!? fyi i appears to be owned by a russian.

Ah, that’s simple, then as you can use .htaccess and mod_rewrite to “correct” the domain name viewed.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !mydomain\\.com [NC]
RewriteRule .?{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

That will get rid of the bogus domain in the browsers by permanently redirecting to your domain.
