Anybody used or using jqMobi

Does anyone have any experience with using jqMobi (and/or jqMobi UI)?

It looks good and the speed tests are amazing that I’ve seen, but I haven’t seen much mention of it around. It seems to basically be ‘mobile only’, but I was wondering if anyone used it for desktop as well.

about jqMobi: Framework/jqm_about

Thanks for you comments and replies;)

i researched 25+ mobile frameworks in trying to decide which one to use for building mobile websites using html/js/css that worked on iPhone, Android, BB, Windows Phone. The criteria is that i want to build mobile websites that provide a consistent look and feel (and function) across the most popular mobile devices, not just iPhone and/or Android.

As a big fan of jQuery, I figured that jQuery Mobile would be the no brainer choice, but i soon found that jQuery Mobile was not easy to customize, and it was heavily skewed to an iPhone look. So i started researching alternatives. There are a lot of options and it’s a very fragmented space. I found DHTMLX, dojox, mobilizejs, unify, uranium, embedjs, enyo, lungo, the-m-project, mobl, joshfire, lavaca, mobello, limejs, sidetap, barleyjs, zepto, chocolatechip, webapp, iui, xui, joApp, hammer, wink, … and jqMobi. Some promising solutions, some webkit only solutions, some incomplete solutions … but in the end, jqMobi delivered the goods.

I love that it’s based on jQuery so that was a huge plus, and i love the framework they implemented to create mobile websites. It’s easy to understand and it makes sense. I’m very happy to see that Intel is behind this now, meaning there are real resources being devoted to the project. All in all, i suspect more developers will find their way to jqMobi in 2013/2014.

I will be exploring PhoneGap + jqMobi soon. That combination looks really promising for building native mobile apps.