Anyone know how to integrate ckEditor 4 with PHP?

It seems that PHP support for ckEditor has been removed since version 4.0, there is no php file in the package, and you cannot print CKEditor’s content in PHP. I searched through google for 10 pages and still couldnt find a tutorial of how to integrate ckEditor 4 with PHP, and in fact their official documentation only has javascript integration tutorials. Can anyone please help? Thx.

So you are saying that old CKEditor 3’s PHP integrator will still work with CKEditor 4?

That’s what the documentation manager of CKEditor seems to be saying in that post.

Although, I’d suggesting hunting around on their forums some more to see if anyone has tried it and what problems they might have encountered.

Tbh one of the reasons why I ended up asking here was that I have zero confidence in ckEditor’s community being willing to help me at all. In fact I already posted a similar thread on ckEditor before this one on Sitepoint, that one is still not replied, and likely never will. sigh Maybe if I keep bumping that thread a mod will reply, but perhaps not the kind of reply I was expecting lol.

Typically, if you have a question specific to a plugin/addon/tool, to go to that support site since the developers and the folks who use the tool will be congregated there, rather than on various web development forums (like sitepoint).

Sadly, I too have had mixed results with questions on CKeditor back when it was still known as FCKeditor.

If the tool can’t do what you want it to, and if the support community can’t help, then it’s probably best to move on to something else.

Personally, I’ve had better success with TinyMCE. It has a [URL=“”]PHP compressor available and [URL=“”]PHP integration though I haven’t actually needed to implemented those features myself. It’s also [URL=“”]available as a jQuery plugin.

I see, well maybe I will have to give up or stick to CKEditor 3 then. Its unfortunate though, I really dig some of the features of CKEditor 4. Thx for your advice though.