Anyone Using USBwebserver SMTP?

Newbie here, and I’m hoping that someone here might be familiar with USBwebserver’s SMTP capacity and configuration. I’ve installed usbwebserver on a home PC (thin client usbstick), opened port 80 on firewall+router, using’s dynamic DNS forwarding. Home server seems to work just fine, accessible from anywhere, but I’m having problems with SMTP outgoing mail processing. I did set php.ini with my ISP’s smtp server, port 25, and username, but the mail script doesn’t seem to process. I’m not seeing any mail related log files being generated, and so I’m wondering what to do. It’s it even capable of using php form method=post & “$mailto”? Do I need to open port 25 on win7 firewall and router? Any clues? Any feedback would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,

I seem to me making some progress with my troubleshooting. Using this mini php email test script below, I’m now seeing that the smtp server and port are not accessible (error message), which led me to discover that ATT (Comcast) now requires SSL authentication; which means that connection likely being refused. I’ll have to do more testing (authentication or another SMTP server).

$email_to = "";
$email_subject = 'TestingUSBWebserverSMTP';
$headers = 'From:\\r\
$message='Name: ' .$name. "\\r\
". 'Email: ' .$email. "\\r\
". 'Phone: ' .$phone;
$sent = mail($email_to, $email_subject, $message, $headers);
{print "Your mail was sent successfully to $email_to"; }
{print "We encountered an error sending your mail"; }