Apache not starting. Very urgent issue

Till yesterday everything was fine to my localhost. But from yesterday, localhost is not opening. It’s saying “Unable to connect”.

I tried number of time to start the Apache on XAMPP, but its saying message that busy. The port 80 is busy, I hope.

For testing, I enabled Team viewer port 80, and it was easily loading on localhost with message that “Teamviewer is using port 80”.

And even I can see that in ‘cmd’ in Windows XP-SP3 with command netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80, that the output is TCP LISTENING 3720.

But when I am freeing the port 80 from team viewer, then neither Apache gets started from XAMPP control panel nor the command netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80 returns anything.


That’s the problem with canned applications like XAMPP. I successfully loaded MySQL, Apache and PHP on my WinDoze box years ago using Kevin Yank’s free chapter 1 and haven’t looked back.

Okay, to your problem (which would be the same for an Apache load): is not a valid IP Address so it will not work. Assuming that Teamviewer is using Port 80 (on, port 80 will not be available to any other application. My recommendation is to reload (your preference) and use OR your LAN address for local shares or your WAN address (not likely if you’re using XAMPP for security reasons) for Internet access.



Thanks for the answer. Now localhost is successfully running on PC, as I have completely removed the XAMPP and installed WAMP on my PC. I did several uninstallations of XAMPP and then installed again. But i think XAMPP has some problem now. Anyways WAMP{ works for me, instead of XAMPP.


I hope that “WAMP” isn’t the canned “WAMPP” but the separate deamons! That way, you can match the exact configuration of your production server … as it’s being updated.
