Are high quality press releases effective enough to provide good link juice?

There are some good and high quality press releases which cost very high, but then do you think they are worth paying that price to get some link juice? Are they effective? What are your thoughts on this? Share your experiences and expertise.

The effectiveness from what I seen comes from some news website picking up the story beyond that there wasn’t really any value to my website. It really depends on what the subject matter is and all that. For large stories I would simply contact the websites directly and seek out the press release information yourself, they are public.

You can go for free press release over the internet but costly press release don’t have a great benefits. So, I would always avoid them. You can build links from lots of other methods.

I’m not sure you meant that the way I’m reading it but I’m pretty sure if you’re a common interest business being features say, on the homepage CNN, is a good thing.

There is more to marketing than SEO. Don’t let links blind you from reach.

I guess you are right but I was thinking about a link ONLY!

I figured you were limiting your scope – but I didn’t want people reading the post to devalue a good press campaign for overall marketing efforts.

“Link juice” from press releases tend to have very short term benefits in my experience. If you are thinking of doing press releases for link juice purposes I would say you’d be better off focusing your efforts elsewhere.

A good press release that gets picked up by the media is something completely different and can be very valuable. But a press release for link juice purposes isn’t very likely to be news worthy.

Hello seotrafficsearch…Ya Press Release in Effective But your Content which you are posting should not be duplicate it should be genuine content…And i Prefer Free PR Submissions Rather Than Paid Press Release Submissions…

Press Relaeases are fine for both, building links and instant traffic (reach) to your site.

If you put some work into keyword (and tag) research, your PR will be picked up by many website all around the www, allmost all of them will link to your website or/and at least to your PR. This should help you with link building for sure!

If you asked if PR is enough in terms of SEO, surely not! You need to use various diffrent link building methods in order to make it look natural in the eyes of Google and Co.