Are There Any Files That Can Not Be Accessed By Browsers?

Sitepoint Members,
You know how browsers can easily be, and usually are, locked out of a website’s folders? Are there any file types that can not be accessed from a browser or can’t be accessed from a browser if a certain permission (e.g 444) is used? If not, how about if you make up a file typ, like .xyz?



A browser does not dictate what can and cannot be accessed. That is the web server itself.

In Unix you can use whatever extension name you want. Usually the server offers a file with a MIME type, and for example on Linux many programs will attempt to choose who can best open that file based on MIME type. I haven’t figured out how to do it yet but you can also assign a file an “incorrect” MIME type… so in this case, if you wanted, you could assign a MIME type you know browsers do not know how to deal with. However I remember someone saying a UA will try to default to text/plain (or maybe that was the server?) in an act of desperation, so your file had better not have text or something will be readable :slight_smile:

For example I was on a site where they gave images (jpegs) a text/html MIME type. My browsers defaulted to text/plain when I tried to open it, showing me random bits of EXIF data (with the words Photoshop in it) and those gobbley characters you see when you open binaries in text editors. I assume they did this to prevent copying? But it was easily viewed because browsers think they know what text/html was, so they showed the image just fine : )

(of course now that I’m looking for it, I can’t find it)

I wish there file types that operate like folders as far as access.

It is more a matter of what file types that the browser understands. If the browser understands the file type either natively or via a plugin then it can display the file in the browser. If the browser doesn’t understand the file type then it offers the file for download (eg. XHTML files in IE8 or PDFs where an appropriate plugin is not installed).

To actually prevent access to the files from the browser completely the file has to be outside of the web accessible area on the server or in a password protected folder within that area but where there are no valid passwords defined.

Actually the issue is the URL.

If you have a URL to a specific file ( regardless of type) the browser will load it into memory. I say load … because the browser will attempt to open and render it. Depending on the file type, what plug in you have, your preferences, the browser may actually just D/L. What I am saying is, if you have a URL the browser will point to it , EVEN if you secure a directory.

so… … may give you an access forbidden error if you set that folders preference, or will open on the browser will (ask to) download

if your file is RENDERABLE (opened on the browser) dynamic: you could have it check something to see if the user has privileges… so dynamic files can in that sense be protected.

When you say
" outside of the web accessible area on the server or in a password protected folder within that area but where there are no valid passwords defined. "
If you have that line option indexes in your htaccess does that help matters - I really didn’t think folders were accessible to a browser, regardless of password protection.

It doesn’t look like a dynamic file will help me, because the view source will probably show its contents.

I was hoping to find a way to keep the location of an image file unknown by sticking it in an inaccessible php or other file type file. I gues it won’t work.

Thanks to both of you for the help.

It doesn’t look like a dynamic file will help me, because the view source will probably show its contents.

#1 a dynamic file is a file that is used by a server to generate the file that is sent to the browser… it is NEVER directly viewable by the user
#2 view source only shows the HTML of an html document.
#3 view source never shows:
* stuff that’s generated via .js ( tho it may show the .js or at least the link to the .js)
* the source of the stuff that’s generated server side ( via PHP, ASP, NET, etc.). So what i was saying is if your file is dynamic in this way you could have it redirect somewhere else if certain credentials aren’t met , for example if a session variable doesn’t confirm… redirect to some other page that says “bad hacker! no cookie!”.

I was hoping to find a way to keep the location of an image file unknown by sticking it in an inaccessible php or other file type file.

there in lies the problem… its the URL you are trying to hide… not the file and it’s the url that has unrestricted access. You cant have have your cake and eat it. If you want someone to see the file , they WILL be able to see the location. Heck even if you could the data itself is temporarily stored in the browser cache; that is someone an just root through their own system after they have viewed the image, find their UA’s Cache and root through that and find the image they just saw… all of them! If you don’t want the location seen you cant show them the image. It’s kinda evil to want it both ways.

If you are worried about copyright. A simple solution … Watermark your image.

OK, in my typical manner now that I have expressed my objection I can also suggest this, but it will be RESOURCE INTENSIVE FOR YOUR SERVER!!

create a “cache” folder.
create a function ( because we like DRY code :slight_smile: ) that you call any time you are about to output an image
this function would create a random string , append the same suffix as the image.
it now makes a copy of the image , renamed with that string I just mentioned, and puts it in the cache folder.
the src/link points to that cached image.
after the page has been served, another function empties the cache folder

In short image URIs are temporary, for one serve only

Other reasons why this is horrible:
You will be asking your server work on creating, renaming and hiding images per page, per serve !!!
Your visitors will have to re download images each page load ( since the URI will always be different the browser will assume is a different image)
but if its that important that no one hotlinks, then I guess it’s THAT important

Thanks Dresden!

Would just telling your server
“requests for files ending in XXXX-extension, return 403”

There are the usual server-side checks for referrers to prevent hotlinking (if the referrer isn’t your own domain, image 403). I was going to point to the Sitepoint how-to, but it seems to have been removed.

Stomme Poes,
That’s an idea. I’ll have to look into that. I have lines in my htaccess to keep google and others off certain pages, I could do it for all to stay out of certian jpg files and other files I only want accessed internally (to create the site).

<Files .htaccess>
deny from all
<Files xyz.html|thanks.html>
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
Deny from msnbot msnbot-media googlebot

But if I remember, deny from all will block robots and non robot visitors. There are three types of users of a file, robots, regular visotrs and the server. Deny from all I think will stop the server from serving the file. There doesn’t seem to be a way to stop a visitor withoiut also blocking the server - I think that’s the heart of the problem.



On *nix systems if you just change permission to file/folder to 000 in Public Permissions, that won’t be available to access. Any folder located upper then public_html also not accessible by browser (on a shared cPanel hosting).

I put
<files .jpg>
deny from all
in my htaccess to see what would happen and nothing happened at all. I saw Fellgal writing for Bluehost using an asterik before the dot in .jpg and that blocked all access to my jpgs, so does <files .jpg> (no asterik) do anything, especially siince I have in my htacess

<files .htaccess>
deny from all

thinking it’s making my htacess more secure.

“and nothing happened at all.” meanns I could view .jpg files directlt with a browser.

if you’d have file named just “.jpg” , your rule could block accessing that, just like as with .htaccess , but if you want to block for example MyImage.jpg , you’ve to use
<files MyImage.jpg>
deny from all

or to block all jpg files :

<files *.jpg>
deny from all

I see now.