Are today's major frameworks capable of enterprise capable applications?

Coupling only exists when one module calls another, not when one class inherits from another.

Could you give a brief description of your understanding of what coupling means?

What exactly do you think happens during $this->method() when method is supplied by a parent/child class?

And please answer the damn question:

Is Uncle Bob wrong or are you?

Tony Marston:

it is quite wrong to say that inheritance automatically produces tight coupling.

Uncle Bob:

One of the problems with implementing an abstract class with inheritance is that the derived class is so tightly coupled to the base class

One of you is wrong, which is it?

The “coupling” which is produced when one module calls another is quite different from the “coupling” which is produced when one class inherits from another. It may be the same word, but they have different meanings in different contexts. As I have already pointed out from the article which you cited previously, when applying metrics to measure the theoretical quality of a piece of software, the effects of coupling resulting from inheritance can be excluded because they are irrelevant.

Just answer the question… is Uncle Bob wrong or are you?

It’s been painfully apparent that we were discussing coupling in terms of OOP throughout the thread so no dice. And that’s wrong anyway because uncle bob points out, tight coupling is one of the problems cause by inheritance

I disagree. Coupling only exists when one object calls another. When one class inherits from another the result is a single object, therefore there is no inter-object communication, therefore there is no coupling.

Just answer the question: Is Uncle Bob wrong or are you?

Tony Marston:

it is quite wrong to say that inheritance automatically produces tight coupling.

Uncle Bob:

One of the problems with implementing an abstract class with inheritance is that the derived class is so tightly coupled to the base class

One of you is wrong, which is it?

As an experienced programmer my personal opinion would be that the second piece of code is better than the first. My point is that you could not build a machine to make that same evaluation.

How are you deciding that the second is better? What metric are you using to determine that?

They those statements are spread over a huge number of scripts, so I would have to refactor a huge number of scripts in order to use an autoloader. And for what benefit? Absolutely none, as the code would continue to do exactly what it did before, but do it differently.

I never said that an autoloader is inferior to using include/require statements, I said that retrofitting an autoloader into a huge existing codebase would involve enormous costs but zero benefits. It is simply not worth the effort.

Coupling involves the amount of code required for one object to call another, and how this code would need to be modified following any changes made to either of these two objects. This is all explained in in which the word “inheritance” does not appear at all.

Stop backtracking please. Nobody is asking you to go back and change anything, we’re asking why you have actively avoided writing one for code you’ve written in the last 10 years. And don’t say you haven’t written a require line in 10 years as that’s just not true. If you diff two versions of your framework code it proves it…

So Wikipedia is now more authoritative than Robert. C. Martin?

Also, are you blind? From that exact page:

Subclass Coupling
Describes the relationship between a child and its parent. The child is connected to its parent, but the parent is not connected to the child.

See my answer in post #357

Like I said earlier. SoC and SRP are two different things. We are talking about SRP, not SoC, so my statement is far from ridiculous.


The one where you didn’t answer the question at all?

Is Uncle Bob wrong or are you?

Tony Marston:

it is quite wrong to say that inheritance automatically produces tight coupling.

Uncle Bob:

One of the problems with implementing an abstract class with inheritance is that the derived class is so tightly coupled to the base class

One of you is wrong, which is it?

Personal opinion which is backed up by several decades of experience. Both pieces of code produce the same result, but the second piece of code is by far the simplest. As a long time follower of the KISS principle the simplest solution which works will always get my vote.

I agree with you but let’s break that down a little: What is it that makes the second “simpler”?

I am not backtracking, I do not write new applications from scratch, they are all built using my framework which was constructed years before autoloaders existed. That framework runs perfectly well without autoloaders, so refactoring it to use autoloaders is both unnecessary and economically unviable.

You are missing the point by focusing on your own code as if it is the only PHP app that has ever or will ever be written. To any other developer reading this, the benefits to them should be obvious… if you had implemented an autoloader at the outset of your project (had autoloading been available) that would be 400+ lines you wouldn’t have had to write!