Article: Console Wars - PHP CLI Libraries

An excerpt from, by Nicola Pietroluongo

I have always been a big fan of console commands and I try to provide a command line interface (CLI) as much as possible in most of my PHP projects.

In this article, I’ll briefly compare three PHP console command libraries:

Origin Stories

The Symfony console is the oldest and the most popular one, used in many projects (and obviously part of the Symfony framework). With dozens of contributors, it became the first choice for many developers.

Hoa is a modular, extensible and structured set of PHP libraries that includes the Hoa console. It aims to be a bridge between industrial and research worlds, and this makes that project quite interesting.

The Webmozart console is the newest project, wants to be easier, test friendly and add new functionality on top of the Symfony console.

Dependencies, Size, and Complexity

The Symfony console has only suggested dependencies, as opposed to the Hoa console library that depends on some Hoa project libraries. The Webmozart project, too, directly depends on the Symfony console.

The Hoa console has the smallest number of LOC (Logical Lines of Code) ~1397, followed by the Symfony console ~2226 and the Webmozart ~3126 (without dependencies).

In order to have a rough indicator of the complexity of these projects, below is some data from their PHPLOC analysis*:

Description                        Symfony      Hoa        Webmozart
Cyclomatic Complexity			
Average Complexity per LLOC          0.37        0.36        0.26
Average Complexity per Class	    14.73       25.14        8.84
Average Complexity per Method	     2.55	 3.38	     1.99
Global Accesses	                     3	        20	     1
Attribute Accesses	           807	       217	  1285
Method Calls	                  1103	       324	  1320

*The analysis is performed only in the main source directory, excluding the test folder when present.

Practical example


To have an overview of each library’s functionality and see the code in action, let’s write a business feature to describe a usage example:

Feature: I want to output a message to several people.
    The message should be passed via the `--message` option and should be optional (default="Hello"),
    the message should be followed by two or more names,
    the message should be coloured with `--color=` (default="white") and/or in uppercase with `--up` (default=lowercase).

The final console call should be something like:

somemsg --message='Good Morning' Nicola Bruno --color=green --up 

and the output should be:



First, we need to define a PHP Message, used in every console implementation, to handle the example.

Below is some pretty straightforward code:

class Message
     * Construct the class and initializes the properties.
     * @param        $names
     * @param string $message
     * @param bool   $uppercase
    public function __construct($names, $message="Hello", $uppercase=false)
        $this->names = implode(' and ', $names);
        $this->message = $message;
        $this->uppercase = $uppercase;
     * Generates the output.
     * @return string
    public function getMessage()
        $output =  $this->message . ' ' . $this->names;
        if ($this->uppercase) {
            $output = strtoupper($output);
        return $output;

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