Article Page Semantics

I’m just about done with my Article page, and would appreciate some feedback on whether the HTML4 semantics I chose are okay.

Here is a simple mockup of a very complex page…

<h1>DoubleDee, Inc</h1>


<!-- Article -->
<!-- Article Title -->
<h2>Postage Meters Can Save You Money</h2>

<!-- Article Body -->
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus suscipit mattis laoreet. Quisque convallis elementum.</p>

<h3>Time is Money!</h3>
<p>Proin viverra vestibulum velit quis dapibus. Maecenas mattis mauris id eros mollis nec venenatis est faucibus. Maecenas fringilla eleifend tellus, vitae gravida purus rutrum non.</p>

<h3>More Affordable than Appears</h3>
<p>Vivamus facilisis diam eget nunc ultrices vitae venenatis lorem laoreet. Phasellus aliquet condimentum diam vel feugiat. Quisque dapibus dictum felis, dapibus vestibulum arcu fermentum a.</p>

<h3>Mailing More than You Think?!</h3>
<p>Integer mattis condimentum erat vitae adipiscing. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla consequat, erat ut pellentesque sollicitudin, elit dui volutpat nibh, quis malesuada justo quam sed est.</p>

<h3>Buy or Lease</h3>
<p>Pellentesque nec neque faucibus ipsum mattis interdum. Praesent sed lacus est. Donec ante turpis, mollis sed lacinia nec, euismod ut ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras vel vestibulum enim.</p>

<!-- Article Comments -->
<h3>User Comments</h3>
<div class='commentWrapper'></div>
<div class='commentWrapper'></div>
<div class='commentWrapper'></div>


<!-- Feature Story Teaser-->
<h2>Taking Your Business Online</h2>
<p>Vivamus facilisis diam eget nunc ultrices vitae venenatis lorem laoreet. Phasellus aliquet condimentum diam vel feugiat. Quisque dapibus dictum felis, dapibus vestibulum arcu fermentum a. (more...)</p>

<!-- Term of the Day -->
<h2>What is an S-Corporation??</h2>

<!-- Workshops -->
<h2>Upcoming Workshops</h2>

<h3>Current Dates:</h3>

<h3>Upcoming Sites</h3>

I am a little unsure of what level things like the “User Comments” section, and the sections in my Right Column should be at.

(BTW, after lots of research and some excellent advice on here from DeathShadow, I chose to make my Company Name the <h1> and would prefer not to debate that point…)



Personally, I would mark comments as h4 (the lowest heading on the page). Speaking about right column sections - you need to decide whether they’re as important as the article. If so, h2 is ok, if not - use h3. Just my 2c

Since the Article Title is an H2 and the Paragraph Headings are H3, wouldn’t having the Comments as H4 imply that comments are subordinate to the last Paragraph Heading?

I chose H3 for Comments because at the very least it is a subset of the Article… (You could even argue it is at the same level as the Article, but I don’t know…)

I’m not sure…

What does everyone else think?

I think it is pretty clear that the Article is the most important thing on the page, BUT at the same time I’m not sure if making everything else subordinate to it (i.e. H3, H4, H5) feels right either.

All good questions, and one on which I hope to get some “expert” advice!!

