Article writing software!

At last… an evergreen issue, what has been in response many times. And… the search function of Sitepoint is working.:wink:

As I experienced, a software will not…

  • thinking instead of you

  • build up your article logically

  • conveys your feelings, emotions

  • demonstrate your writing style and humour

  • makes your content informative

  • make it understandable for a human

  • make the reputation of your website nice

I have to admit, I used this kind of software years ago, but I wasn’t satisfied with their results. Why? The answer is in how these softwares operate. They use synonyms, picking up from different places of the Internet. Many times you see words in sentences they do not belong in and the article will be tiring and unfriendly for the reader.

IMHO, to increase the popularity of your website, the quality of the content can not be ignored. I think, you want people to read your article and buy your product. So, if you feel you don’t have writing skills, then get some training to learn how to write articles by yourself. Because… the best sotware is… between your ears.:slight_smile:

Many successes,


Article softwares are becoming popular alternatives to actual writers. Primarily because of the convenience that they offer in terms of fast turn over of output.

However, there are a lot of differences that an actual human being can do to a certain article. Instead of mechanical responses, an actual writer can fully relate to the topic with his or her own personal experiences. Details like emotion and wit cannot be easily mimicked by a ‘robot’.

Also, personalization is an edge that actual human beings have over any software. The ability to make unique content is still mutually exclusive to the the true writers.

You may also ask your friends for help/ Maybe not the best wayout, but can work too

I prefer to write the article by human than using an Article software. There’s a big difference of how a person think and relate to the article he/she write than using the article software.

Ya think? I do imagine it’s an “actual writer” that comes up with the original article.

based on at least two examples i’ve seen, author bots do exist


TBH I was wondering the same thing :wink:

IMHO “article writing software” produces garbage. Use of inappropriate words, wrong tense, poor sentence structure, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

But then again, it seems many people have similar writing skill. Who knows? It might just be true that some software is capable of producing better content than some people.

Still garbage nobody would want to waste their time reading, but just the same.