Assigning elements to classes to control events

I’m trying to use a javascript class to assign specific event handlers to different elements. I create an object and pass it a reference to the element, and some properties for the event handler to use. When the event fires, I want the handler to reference the properties of the object. But I’m clearly doing something wrong as multiple instances all refer to the most recent object only.

Any pointers?

function constrainTextarea(ele,maxlength)
	this.ele = $("#"+ele);
	this.listen = function(){
		alert("I'm listening! "+this.ele.attr('id'));
	this.unlisten = function(){
		alert("stop listening "+this.ele.attr('id'));

	cta1 = new constrainTextarea('ta1',200);
	cta2 = new constrainTextarea('ta2',200);

<textarea id=ta1></textarea>
<textarea id=ta2></textarea>

The values in the assigned function bear no relation to the values outside of the function.

This code:

this.listen = function() {
    alert("I'm listening! "+this.ele.attr('id'));

does the same as this code:

function listenHandler() {
    alert("I'm listening! "+this.ele.attr('id'));

this.listen = listenHandler;

Now it’s easier to tell that the function only knows about the variables at the time the function is called.

What you can do about that is to invoke a function and pass that variable to it. When you then return a function from inside that invoked one, the returned function retains knowledge of the passed variable.

function listenHandler() {
    alert("I'm listening! "+ele.attr('id'));

this.listen = function (ele) {
    return listenHandler;

You can then condense that down to the following:

this.listen = function (ele) {
    return function () {
        alert("I'm listening! "+ele.attr('id'));