Assistance with Updating a single record of a list

My Code so far:

$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("test2", $con);

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cars WHERE color='' ORDER BY id DESC");

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "(".$rownumbers.")<br />";
echo "<div><font color='green'>Record# -  </font><a href='../editrecord.php' id='" . $row['id'] . "' />".$row['id']."</a>:  <br />Make is: " . $row['make'] . "<br />  Model Type: ".$row['model']."</div>";
echo "<div><font color='red'>What color is it: </font>" . $row['color'] . "</div>";

echo "<div><hr></hr></div>";

My goal is to be able to click on the Record # which i have as a href and that it will update the record thereby removing it from the list and populate another page where I can edit the record completly. Im not sure about how to go about doing that though. Anyone out there with some ideas and an example or two?

that it will update the record thereby removing it from the list and populate another page where I can edit the record completly

Can you re-explain this part?


Record# - 7:
Make is: plymouth
Model Type: SUV
What color is it:

edit this record? {yes} This is a checkbox


Record# - 5:
Make is: chevy
Model Type: truck
What color is it:

edit this record? {yes}


Record# - 4:
Make is: ford
Model Type: car
What color is it:

edit this record? {yes}


Record# - 3:
Make is:
Model Type:
What color is it:

edit this record? {yes}


Record# - 2:
Make is: dodge
Model Type: truck
What color is it:

edit this record? {yes}


The above list is the output of the code from the opening post.
The code generates a list from the table where the field for color is empty.

So what i am trying to do is to select a record from the list, pass the data from the selected record to a new page that will allow me to update the record.
When a record has a color then it does not get included in the list.
I am not sure how to go about doing that.

Your form:

<form action=update.php method=post>

// pseudocode ish
foreach vehicle with no color{

<p>Make is: plymouth<br />
Model Type: SUV<br />
What color is it? <input type=text name="7" value=""></p>


// close off your single form
<input type=submit>

Your postback form handler



// check what is passed back to this handler

unset($_POST['submit']);  // get rid of submit button

var_dump($_POST); // check that worked, is submit gone?

// now update your db

foreach($_POST as $k=>$val){

// escape the string to avoid sql injection, and turn a numerical id into an integer (or set to 0 on fail)

$sql = "update cars set color = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$k]). "' where id=" . (int)$k;

// send query to dbase here


Not tested, but in theory this is one way you could do it.

It is possible to update all cars with one query but that should get you going.