At a loss re. page break and page numbering

need suggestions pertaining to the above title. I want to print my php report w/heading at the top
of each page with page numbering. Anyone

this is really difficult to answer w/o seeing RELEVANT code and knowing more details about your actual strategy for page numbering.

Off the top of my head , however, I would guess that you could find the rule for your page break, do an @media print ( media query) with a counter, and finally output the value of the counter in a :before pseudo element. Something ROUGHLY like this:

@media all {
	.page-break	{ display: none;  }
        body {counter-reset: section; }
     .page-break:before { counter-increment: section; diplay:block;  content: "Page " counter(section); }

@media print {
	.page-break	{ display: block; page-break-before: always; }

Thanks for your response, I’m trying to learn. In my research and from forums, the solution is from 3 lines of code to nearly 100, javascript to pdf, no result to a page of errors. Following is your offering followed by code: I’m not sure
the placement.

@media all {
	.page-break	{ display: none;  }
        body {counter-reset: section; }
     .page-break:before { counter-increment: section; diplay:block;  content: "Page " counter(section); }
@media print {
	.page-break	{ display: block; page-break-before: always; }

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
// error_reporting(0);
mysql_select_db('homedb') or die("Unable to select database");
$query=" SELECT * FROM mytbl WHERE payrec = 'P' AND pd = 'N' ORDER BY datepaid ASC";
echo date('m/d/y');
echo "<font size=+1><b><center> Accounts Payable Report</font></center></b></b><br />";
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1>
<th colspan=4></th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">date</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">days</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">amt</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">recur?</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">acct#</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">creditor</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">purpose</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">due</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">late</th>
<th bgcolor="#ccffff">due</th>
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$totdue += $row['amtdue'];   
          echo '
                <td>', $row['status'], '</td>
                <td>', $row['acctno'], '</td>
                <td>', $row['bname'], '</td>
                <td>', $row['purpose'], '</td>
                <td>', $row['duedate'], '</td>                
     <td align=right class="currency">', ($late > 120 ? 'pastdue' : $row['dayslate']), '</td>
     <td align=right class="currency">', number_format($row['amtdue'], 2, '.', ''), '</td>
    echo '
        <th bgcolor="#ccffff" scope="row" colspan="6">Grand Total:</th>
          <td bgcolor="#FFD4D4" class="currency">', number_format($totdue, 2, '.', ''), '</td>