At the bottom of the web site < ul > ,tag incompatibilities,inIE/Liebao/Google

In IE11 version of the browser, the style of my site is always a problem, but I feel no error code.No
problem in Libao& Google browser.

Would be helpful if you can share the code snippet. Either or would be helpful for you to share working example.

I want to share the code snippet but i find i’am a new user ,can’t publish pictures.I have watched two websites you sended.but my problem is dislocation of my websitebottom. website:

The bottom of your web site looks OK in Firefox. Perhaps you can describe what makes it look dislocated? A screen shot comparing good and bad views will help as soon as you can post it.

If you will take some time and read the introductory messages and help files explaining how to use this web site, you will have earned enough tenure to be able to post images. .

I do not recognize the name of one of the browsers: IE11 and probably Chrome, but not the other.

Seems like it’s an issue with markup. div class=“ft” is not closed properly. IE is too harsh with imrproper HTML which is good in once sense.

Please validate your markup for div class=“ft”.

@ronpat - Footer is broken in IE 11.

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You are telling all versions of IE browser ( 8+) to emulate IE7. It is a miracle that anything works, certainly not IE11.

Replace this line:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
with this:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />

And DO validate your HTML.

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Excellent catch buddy :smile:

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