Authentication and Login

Hi, my project is ASP.Net 4.5 MVC 5. I need to set up authentication. I have been looking into this and I am little bit confused with respect to:

  • SQL Membership Provider (Legacy)
  • Forms Authentication (Legacy)
  • Identity
  • Simple Membership Provider
  • OWIN
  • OAuth
  • OAuth2

At this time i am not setting up social media registration and login. This will come later down the road.

We have our own profile table(s), so new registrations will need to be input here as well. The framework should have a good supported API.

The login will be as usual, if remember me is not selected then the user should log out after 20 mins of activity.

What do you recommend with respect to the frame work that i should be using here? Also, do you know any good book, blog or tutorial that could help understand the basics of the framework that you recommend?


This one

I have implemented SQL Membership Provider and in fact we are launching the site today. Thanks


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