Auto form submit

i have proxy site and i added some quick link icons under the url form. i want to make the quicklinks work so that when you click the link, it proxifies the page automatically, currently the script i have just pass the link to the form and you have to press the GO button

im not very good at javascript so little help needed, i dont think its big task :slight_smile:

<script language="JavaScript"> 
// pass variable to field
function passit(str)

         <form name="passit" action="includes/process.php?action=update" method="post" onsubmit="return updateLocation(this);" class="form">
            <input type="text" name="u" id="input" size="40" class="textbox">
            <input type="submit" value="Go" class="button">
            [<a style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="document.getElementById('options').style.display = (document.getElementById('options').style.display=='none'?'':'none')">options</a>]
            <ul id="options">
<?php foreach ( $toShow as $option ) echo <<<HTML
                  <input type="checkbox" name="{$option['name']}" id="{$option['name']}"{$option['checked']}>
                  <label for="{$option['name']}" class="tooltip" onmouseover="tooltip('{$option['escaped_desc']}')" onmouseout="exit();">{$option['title']}</label>
			<br style="clear: both;">
			 <div onmouseover="tooltip('Click the icon and your on the way to the site.')" onmouseout="exit();" id="icolinks" class="icolinks">
		   <a href="javascript:passit('')"><img alt="Youporn" src=""></a>
           <a href="javascript:passit('')"><img alt="Starkindoms" src=""></a>
		   <a href="javascript:passit('')"><img alt="Meebo" src=""></a>
		   <a href="javascript:passit('')"><img alt="Facebook" src=""></a>
		   <a href="javascript:passit('')"><img alt="" src=""></a>
		   <a href="javascript:passit('')"><img alt="" src=""></a>
		   <a href="javascript:passit('')"><img alt="" src=""></a>
            <br style="clear: both;">

what to do?, dont really have any idea :frowning:

function passit(str){

Thats all!

thx :smiley: