Automatic zip and download?

is there any way that a folder on my site
automatic zip and ready to download
mean for example a folder on my site in which are different files like different songs mp3 files
i want that i can also give people an option to download all movie songs in a folder
and show their link
when the click on link that folder automatic convert in zip and ready to download ?
i think my ideas is workable ?suggestion plzz how it will exactly work no
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sorry above post is little wrong my question is only this

is there any way that a folder on my site
automatic zip and ready to download
mean for example a folder on my site in which are different files like different songs mp3 files
i want that i can also give people an option to download all movie songs in a folder
and show their link
when the click on link that folder automatic convert in zip and ready to download ?
i think my ideas is workable ?suggestion plzz how it will exactly work no

This is what you need, they have great documentation and i haven’t had any issues with them

can u little describe how i zip a folder using their class

It has all the information you need in there documentation, if you have issues understanding it try as much as you can then we can you further.

infect m not familiar with OOP so it’s difficult to understand exact i have try it before but don’t get much

i think i got it :slight_smile:

$archive = new PclZip(‘’);
$v_list = $archive->add(‘foldername’,

i thik here is some problem i can’t use varibales in values ?why?if yes how

The method “add” is for when your appending files to an existing zip file, the method you need to use is “create”. See if the code below works for you

// Set the directory
$dir = "A Flat";

$fileList = array();

if (is_dir($dir)){
    if ($open = opendir($dir)){
        while(false !== ($read = readdir($open))){
            if ($read != '.' && $read != '..'){
                echo $read." - File Size: ".filesize($dir."/".$read)." bytes<br />";
                $fileList[] = $read;
    } else {
        echo "Unable to open the directory at \\"$dir\\"";
} else {
    echo "The directory ( $dir ) is not a valid path!";

// Make sure the array is at least "1" value
if (sizeof($fileList) > 0){
    // Include the PCLZip class
    // Create a new instance of the class
    $archive = new PclZip('');
    // Build a list of the files
    $files = implode(', ', $fileList);
    // Add the files to the archive
    $v_list = $archive->create($files);
    // Finish up
    if ($v_list == 0){
        die("Error : ".$archive->errorInfo(true));
    } else {

well brother can’t i pass it values through variables because i try to do give values through that don’t work

and which code u write that also giving wrong error

Error : PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (-4) : File ‘01 - Meetha Sa Ishq.mp3’ does not exist
even file is exists

Thats my fault, in the while loop the appending values should be

$fileList[] = $dir."/".$read;

Now this one
Error : PCLZIP_ERR_MISSING_FILE (-4) : File ’ A Flat/02 - Dil Kashi.mp3’ does not exist

well got this problem there was one extra space in explode

well thanks :slight_smile:

No problem, everything is working alright for you?


Error : PCLZIP_ERR_READ_OPEN_FAIL (-2) : Unable to open archive ‘bollywood/a/Anjaana’ in wb mode

gettings this error on linux centos

working good on windows when i was checking script
folder permissions are also 777